TAYLOR R. G. (Rick)

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE OF PERSON\T\TAYLOR Rick, From photo by Krista Taylor.jpg                                                            From photo taken by Rick’s wife, Krista, probably behind Dragon Lady                 Comics in the alley north of Queen Street West in 1986 or 1987.

In his early thirties as a diversion from his elementary teacher work, Rick Taylor began drawing a cartoon strip “The Blackboard Jumble” which took a humorous look at the trials of a school teacher. This appeared first in his district school newsletter over a period of 25 years. It was collected and published in Negative Burn..

His interest in comic books drew him to the Dragon Lady, a comic book shop on Queen Street West in Toronto and to an acquaintance with its Manager Dave Darrigo. It began with Dave asking him to do some illustrations for covers for the Dragon Lady Dispatch, a store publication edited and published by Dave.

Rick wanted to try other stories and so with the help of his cousin Mel Taylor, a writer, he created “The Human Factor” with no outlet in mind. Of this first effort, Rick has since said, “A dreadful clichéd thing it was. I was quickly aware I had no clue as to what I was doing.”

A chance meeting with Peter Hsu led to it being published in issues 4 and 5 of Hsu’s graphic periodical Quadrant. Peter must have wanted to diversify from his own stories in Quadrant as it is quite unlike anything else in the magazine. Later Rick’s wife pointed out, “… the parents of my students might be less than pleased to have their kids’ teacher published in such a raunchy magazine.”

Dave Darrigo had a different view of Rick’s work. After seeing copies of “The Blackboard Jumble” he concluded that Rick could tell a story as well as illustrate it and so he invited Rick to collaborate with him on a story within a concept that he was working on. From that collaboration came “The Big Bounce” a tribute to the Flying Tigars but set in the context of a World War 3. Of this story Rick has commented, “…I hadn’t figured out how to use photo ref. and used undisguised photos of John Wayne. I did love drawing the planes and recall a full page spread I was proud of.”

Dave appears to have been satisfied with the result. He had presented a concept to Deni Loubert of Aardvark-Vanaheim Press of Kitchener. It was the story of a pulp writer of the 1920’s and 1930’s and the relation between his experiences and his writing. Deni liked the concept but it had no illustrator. Dave asked Rick to do 4 sample pages for an episode he wrote. Deni accepted these and “Wordsmith” one of the more remarkable creations of the 1980’s was born. In it Rick incorporated the physical features of a number of the members of the Toronto cartoonists community into the characters of the stories.

In the early 1990’s he drew the Sandman Mystery Theatre issues 9, 10, 11, 12 for DC Comics and produced several collections of graphic short stories and of sketches for Caliber Press in Michigan, U.S.A. He also illustrated Silencers and The Raven Chronicle a supernatural thriller. He also adapted Oscar Wild’s Salome. His work has appeared regularly in the anthology Negative Burn.




Content story:

Comic Book Confidential. 1988: “Addicted”: 15-16.


 Content Cartoon strip black & white:

Negative Burn, 2-17, Jan. 2008: “Blackboard Jumble.” 59-61. A selection of cartoon strips reprinted from a district school newsletter.)

Content story black & white:

Quadrant, 1-4, no date “The Human Factor.” Writ. assist Mel Taylor. Plot assist Barry King.



Content information text:

Book of the Tarot. Tome Press/Caliber Press, 1991: “The Star.” Writ., unidentified: 40.

Content folio black & white & Cover book front colour:

A Kiss On The Lips. Caliber Press, 1-1, May 1992.

Private Pages. Caliber Press, 1992.

Regarding Women. Caliber Press, 1-1, 1992.

Content novel black & white & Cover book front colour:

Silencers, Writ., Mark Askwith. Caliber Press, 1994.


Content black & white & Cover book front colour:

Growing Up With Comics. Writ., See below. Desperado Publishing.2008:                                  Memoir:                                                                                                                                  “Growing Up With Comics.” Writ., Ron Kasman. Previously appeared in                                     Negative Burn, 2-17, Jan. 2008:  1-20.                                                                  Story:                                                                                                                                      “Spiderman 31, 32, 33.” Writ., Paul McCusker: 8-15.                                                          “Avengers Number Four.” Writ., Ron Kasman: 17-21.                                                        “Nostalgia Sure Is What It Used To Be.” Writ., Mel Taylor: 23-25.                                      “167.” Writ., Steve LeBlanc: 27-31.                                                                                      “Unleash the One Who Waits.” Writ., Rob Walton: 33-36.                                                  “Will Eisner’s The Spirit.” Writ., Mark Askwith: 38-41. Previously appeared in                                 The Comic Eye 2007.                                                                                            “In The Days of Heroes.” Writ., Mel Taylor: 43-54.                                                              “Eye for Combat.” Writ., Peter Birkemoe: 56-60.                                                                “New Comics Day.” Writ., Mark Askwith: 62-73.                                                                  “Flights of Fancy.” Writ., Suley Fattah: 75-78.                                                                    “Comic Book Characters Never Grow Old.” Writ., M. Taylor: 80-83.                                  “The Adventures of Tin Tin.” Writ., Peter Taylor: 85-88.                                                      “What Is The Measure Of A Man’s Worth.” Writ., Rob Walton: 90-97.                                “Moebius: A Sketch.” Writ., Mark Askwith: 99-106.

Content story black & white:

The Comic Eye, Ed., Mark Innes. Blind Bat Press, 2007: “Will Eisner’s The Spirit”. Writ., Mark Askwith: 40-43.


Content serial black & white & Cover front colour: 

Silencers, Writ., Mark Askwith. Caliber Press. Black & white
Bk 1, 1, July 1991: “Damage”: 1-24.

Bk 2, 2, 1991:  “Damage Control”: 25-48.

Bk 3, 3, 1991:  “Stories.”: 49-72.

Bk 4, 4, 1991: “Pieces”: 73-96.


Wordsmith….: “…”  Writ., Dave Darrigo. Renegade Press. Black & white
… 1, Aug.1985: “Chapter 1, Tough Men Tender Moments.” “Ch. 2, Deathtraps and Breadlines.”

… 2, Oct.1985.  “A Dash of Chaos, A Pinch of Order”: 1-21:

… 3, Dec.1985. “File It Under P” : 1-21.

… 4, Feb.1986. “Jimmy Carter.” (Reference Photography, Krista):1-28.

… 5, May 1986. “Even Heroes Have To Take A Joke.” (Let., Les Taylor.):1-25.

… 6, Aug.1986. “Haunted By Ghosts”: 1-32.

… 7, Nov.1986. “Tis The Season To Be Jolly.” (Let., Les Taylor.): 1-21.                                                     “A Wordsmith Mini-Folio.” Illustrations with comments.

… 8, Feb.1987. “Romance and Real People.” (Let., Les Taylor.):  1-25.

… 9, May 1987. “The Cactus Express by Eric Redwood.” (Let., Les Taylor.): 1-32.

… 10, Aug. 1987. “Castles In Spain.” (Let., Les Taylor.): 1-32.

… 11, Nov.1987. “H’Lo Joe, How Goes The Battle?”  (Let., Les Taylor.): 1-32.

… 12, Jan. 1988. “Old Dogs and New Tricks.” (Let., Les Taylor.): 1-25.                                                         “The Last Word.” Writ., Dave Darrigo. 32. An essay concluding the series.


Content memoir black & white & Cover front colour:

Negative Burn, 2-17, Jan. 2008: “Growing Up With Comics.” Writ., Ron Kasman.: 1-20.

Content story black & white:

Caliber Presents,…: “…” …. Caliber Press. Black & white.
 …,1-17, 1990: “Dog Days.” Writ., Mel Taylor: 9-16.

 …,1-22, 1991: “Silencers.” Writ., Mark Askwith. 50-60.

Heroes From Wordsmith. 1, May 1990: “…” Writ., Dave Darrigo: …. Special Studio.                       “Hunter Hawke: The Volcano Gun”. …: 1-16.                                                                       “The Big Bounce.”. … 20-31. Previously appeared in Quadrant 1-6, no date.


Content story black & white & Cover front black & white:

Bootleg Comics & Stories, “…” Writ., Mel Taylor. Time Tripper Visual Arts, 2003:                        “Jack’s Riff.” Subsequently appeared in Negative Burn, 2-6, Nov. 2006: 19-29                  “Table Dance.” Subsequently appeared in Caliber Presents, 1-22, 1991: 1-6, and                                    Negative Burn, 2-5, October 2006: 33-38.                                                  “Would You Like Sour Cream Or Slasa With Your Crow.” Subsequently appeared                                    in Negative Burn, 2-9, Feb.  2007: 1-11.



Growing Up With Comics. Dallas: Desperado Publishing, 2008.



 Content story black & white:

Negative Burn, 2-6, Nov. 2006: “Bruce Barnaby.” Writ., Ron Kasman. Co-Illus. Ron Kasman: 19-29.


Article book:

Growing Up With Comics. Ed. & illus. R. G. Taylor Desperado Publishing, 2008: “Creator Biographies: R.G. Taylor”: 11.

Article periodical:

The Silencers,….: “ Interview.” Interviewer Tim Blackmore. Caliber Press.
Bk 2, 2, 1991: 49-56. Bk 3, 3, 1991: 73-80 Bk 4, 4, 1991: 97-104


Rick Taylor to Robert MacMillan.



C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE OF PERSON\T\TAYLOR, Rick.jpg Self Portrait. Growing Up With Comics, 2008: Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\T\TAYLOR Rick, A Kiss On The Lips, 1-1, 1992 ,fc.jpg A Kiss On The Lips, 1-1, May 1992: Front cover.