Mark, a one time manager of the Silver Snail comic book retail outlet, was principally a television producer who with Daniel Richler created “Prisoners of Gravity” for TVOntario, hosted by Rick Green of The Frantics comedy group. It was a newsmagazine which covered science fiction, fantasy horror and various forms of cartooning. Each program explored a theme. He was last seen as a producer for Space the Canadian science fiction channel.

He was also a part of the Toronto graphic stories scene from about 1974. During that time he scripted and with Dean Motter co-plotted The Prisoner.

In 1988, he was with bp Nichol co-consultant on the film Comic Book Confidential co-designer on the promotional booklet..

He wrote Silencers illustrated by R. G. Taylor. It first appeared in Caliber Presents as a trailer taken from the beginning of Book 2. The four part series followed, then was combined with a prologue added into a novel. This title should not be confused with The Silencers written by Fred Van Lente and illustrated by Steve Ellis which appeared a decade later in 2003 and is essentially a story about a crime family and its enforcers. This novel is about espionage and unlike the film of the same name which was a spoof, this story is deadly serious.

He has written short stories for anthologies including True North, Street Music, Negative Burn and Comics Eye as well as Growing Up With Comics.




Content novel:                                                      

Silencers. Illus., R.G. Taylor. Caliber Press, 1994.


Content story:

Canadian Comics Cavalcade, 1-1, Summer 1986: Untitled. Illus., Jeffery Morgan: 26-29.

Growing Up With Comics. Desperado Publishing, 2008:                                                             “Will Eisner’s The Spirit.” Illus. R.G. Taylor: 38-41.                                                             “New Comics Day.” Illus. R. G. Taylor: 62-73.                                                                     “Moebius: A Sketch.” Illus. R. G. Taylor: 99-106.

The Comic Eye, Ed., Mark Innes. Blind Bat Press, 2007: “Will Eisner’s The Spirit”. Illus., R. G. Taylor: 40-43.

PERIODICAL GRAPHIC:                                                                                                    Published by Caliber Press. Colour cover. Black & white content.

Content serial:

Silencers …: “…”. Illus., R.G. (Rick) Taylor: ….
Bk 1, 1, July 1991: “Damage.”: 1-24.

Bk 2, 2, 1991: “Damage Control”: 25-48.

Bk 3, 3, 1991: “Stories.”: 49-72.

Bk 4, 4, 1991: “Pieces.”: 73-96.

PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                          Published by Caliber Press. Colour cover. Black & white content.

Content story:

Caliber Presents, 1-22, 1991: “Caliber Preview: Silencers”. Illus., R.G. Taylor: 50-60.



Content story:

Pork Knight 1-1, no date: “Pork Knight, This Little Piggy.” Car., Rob Walton. Design & Layout, Rob Badali and Dean Motter: 1-32.


Article book:

Comic Book Confidential. 1988: 1 & inside front & back covers

Article periodical:

Comics Interview,77, 1989: “Dean Motter & Mark Askwith”. Interview by Marty Herzog: 4-20.

The Silencers, Bk 2, 2, 1991: Interview by Tim Blackmore: 49-56.

The Silencers, Bk 3, 3, 1991: Interview by Tim Blackmore: 73-80.

The Silencers, Bk 4, 4, 1991: Interview by Tim Blackmore. 97-104.

Article newspaper:

Broadcast Week (The Globe and Mail) Mar. 3 to Mar. 9 1990: “Commander Rick eposes the lighter side of science fiction.” Writ., John Doyle,


Dave Darrigo letter February 6, 2008.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON S\TAYLOR R.G. Silencers, 1994, fc.jpgSilencers, 1994: Front Cover. Illus., R.G. Rick Taylor.