AARDVARK VANAHEIM INC.                                                                                            Location: Kitchener, Ontario.                                                                                            Owner/Publisher: Dave Sim & Deni Loubert.

Character: Cerebus The Aardvark.

This company was co-founded by Dave Sim and Deni Loubert. Its principal title was Cerebus The Aardvark. The partnership broke up January 1, 1985 although Deni didn’t leave till April 1. She moved to California and founded Renegade Press.



AV In 3D, 1-1, December 1984. This book presents the graphic stories of various Aardvark Vanaheim artists in a three dimension format. It appears it was intended as a single publication.
         “Ms. Tree: A Pair of Eyes.” Writ., Max Collins. Illus., Terry Beatty.                                   “Flamming Carrot: The Bandit Moons!” Car., Bob Burden. Let., Roxanne Starr.             “A Man Called Normal Man.” Car., Jim Valentino. Let., Diane                                         “Journey.” Car., William Messner Loebs.                                                                         “Neil The Horse.” Car., Katherine Collins.  (Arn Saba).                                                      “Cerebus Dreams II.” Car., Dave Sim.


Cerebus Archive,
1, Apr. 2009.

2, June 2009.

3, Aug. 2009

4, Oct. 2009

5, Dec. 2009.

6, Feb. 2010

7, Apr. 2010

8, June 2010

9, Aug. 2010


Article periodical:

Amazing Heroes, 42, 1 Mar. 1984: “Lions & Tigers & Bears ….” Writ., Michael F. Hopkins: 31-40.

Comics Journal, 96, March 1985: “Two new publishers; A-V spin-off Renegade Independent Comics Group”: 15.

Article newspaper:

Toronto Star, 27 Feb.!987: “Here’s your guide to superheroes of Canadian comics”: D6.