He entered Sheridan College in 1973 and took Walter Hanson’s Media Arts Cartooning course where he met James Waley and became involved with Orb Magazine. He returned to Sheridan in the late 1970’s to study illustration. He has freelanced as both an illustrator and cartoonist since 1976. His first job after Sheridan was with Hayes Publishing in Burlington where he stayed for a year. He moved to Port Credit and began freelancing for the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star for which he was court artist during the Paul Bernardo trial, and for several educational publishers.  He contributed to Orb magazine and was the artist for “The Birchbark Emperor” written by James Waley. It appeared Tales From The Bay published by Co-Ed Communications Inc. in 1995. He has illustrated several children and young adult books.

He illustrated “Mighty Mites” in Owl Magazine from September 1994 to November 2001 when Harold Eastman was writing it. As Paul remembers it he received several phone calls from friends, including Tach Bui and Mike Cherkas that Owl was looking for a new illustrator. He approached Owl and was called in for a portfolio interview. A few weeks later he was among three finalists asked to draw a three page story for which they were paid. Paul was accepted to draw the feature. He continued with the series until issue 26-9 November 2001 when, “After seven years, I felt it was time to move on.”

The procedure for working on the “Mighty Mites” was that Paul would receive the script in a format similar to a screen play from Harold. From this he would make rough layouts on 8.5’x11’ sheets These would go to the editors, Harold and the Art Director who would return them with comments and desired changes. He would do finished pencils on 12”x17” board usually Strathmore two ply matt and tape the lettering in English on an acetate overlay. As Owl was a bilingual magazine this allowed the publishers to later replace the English with French. These efforts were sent to the Editors for further comment and returned with any other requested changes. Paul inked the pencils and then with markers on photocopies did a colour complementary scheme to guide Digital Chameleon in Winnipeg when digitally colouring the strip in Photoshop.

Subsequent to these efforts he worked on his own projects published through his company Eaglewood Studios Comics. The first publication was a mini-comic Spudniks which was a comical send up of the Star Trek enterprise. The second effort was Rodent Noir 1-1 in what appears to have been an effort to produce a regular sized periodical which featured an anthropized rodent as a burned-out police detective. As the title suggests its inspiration can from film noir. The third and it appears final publication was Offerings published in 2006 and featured the work of Paul from cartooning through illustration to portrait painting. He illustrated Mike San Giancomo’s story “Wolf Bigelow and the Late Great Johnny Ace” which later appeared in Tales of the Starlight Drive-in (2008)

In 2008 he started working for Forrec Ltd. which specialized in themed entertainment including theme parks, and museums. After a couple of years doing projects out of his studio, they offered him full time work. He remained on staff till he decided to retire in December 2019. After years of drawing he could no longer draw eight to ten hours a day without crippling pain occurring in his hands.

He can draw for a few hours and paint without pain and so after retiring he ran a figure drawing group and attended painting classes. These activities led him to associate with several arts groups including the Etobicoke Art Group, Visual Arts Mississauga and Visual Arts Brampton.




Content story:

The Comic Eye. Ed., Mark Innes. Blind Bat Press, 2007: “Deadlines”: 7- 13.

Potlatch presents The 1980 Comics Annual. Potlatch Publications, 1979: “Spud.” Plot, William King: 118-120.


Content, story & Cover front & back:

Rodent Noir: A Dick Rodent Mystery, 1-1, 2005. EWS Comics. Colour cover, Black & white interior.


Content story & Cover front:

Spudniks: The Adventures of Private Spud, 1. EWS Comics, 2004.


Content story.:

Orb Magazine, 1-1, 1974: “Belial!”: 32-41.

Orb Magazine, 1-2, July 1974: “No-man’s Land.’ Let., Matt Rust: 43-50.

Orb Magazine 1-3, Dec. 1974: “Lepers”: 4-9.



Content history:

Great Canadian Lives: Portraits in Heroism to 1867. Historian Barry Wansbrough, Writ., and Janet MacLean. Researcher, Janet Ford. Nelson Canada, 1985:                                         “Caleb Seely: The Gallant Privateersman”: 159.                                                                 “Tecumseh: Leader of the Western Tribes”: 162.                                                               “Marie-Anne Gaboury: First Non-Native Woman in the West 1780-1875”:172-173.           “Chief Peguis Leader of the Saulteaux”: 174-175.                                                             “William Lyon Mackenzie: The Rebel of Upper Canada”: 188-189.                                     “Joseph Howe: Voice of Nova Scotia”: 200-201.                                                                 “Maskepetoon: The Peace Chief”: 231.                                                                               “John Palliser: Opening the West”: 232-233.                                                                       “Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley: New Brunswick’s Leader in Confederation”: 267.                   “Sir Charles Tupper: Canada’s Fighting Doctor”: 270-271.                                                 “Sir Charles Etienne Cartier: Patriote and Nation Builder”: 272-273.

BOOK TEXT & GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                          Published by Potlatch Publications, Editor Robert F. Neilson. Art Director Mary Tach unless otherwise noted.



Canadian Children’s Annual, 1982. 1981: ‘Theatre Of The Romans.” Writ., W.J. Smart:: 128.

Canadian Children’s Annual 1983, Art Dir., Mary Tach-Holadyk. 1982: “The Day Mount Vesuvius Blew Its Top.” Writ., Joy Hollanbym-Lane: 116-122.

Information text:

Canadian Children’s Annual, 1981.1980:                                                                                     “Sweat Of The Sun, Tears Of The Moon: The World Of The Incas.”                                   “The Legend Of The Incas”: 119-124.                                                                                 “Machu Picchu – City Of Legends”: 130-134). Writ., Joy Lane.

Story text:

Canadian Children’s Annual, 1979. 1978: “The Choice.” Writ., Rosalee van Stelten: 113-117.

Canadian Children’s Annual, 1980. 1979: “Autumn-Mobile.” Writ., Alan Bradley. (Title illustration, J.O.Radford.): 98-101.


Content story:

Atomic Overdrive, 2, no date: “Kid Desperado in Ghost Riders For A Ghost Town.” Writ., Dave Darrigo: 1-7.

Tales From The Bay, 1, 1995: “The Birchbark Emperor.” Writ., James Waley: 21-28. Co-Ed Communications. Black & white.


Content serial & information:

Owl …: “New Mighty Mites”…. Co-car., Harold Eastman & Paul McCusker. Owl Communications Colour.
19-7, September 1994: 18-21.

19-8, October 1994: 18-21.

19-9, November 1994: 24-27

19-10, December 1994: 18-21.

20-1, January 1995: 24-27.

20-2, February 1995: 24-27.

20-3, March 1995: 24-27.

20-4, April 1995: 8-11.

20-5, May 1995: 24-27.

20-6, Summer 1995: 24-27.

20-7, September 1995: 24-27.

20-8, October 1995: 24-27.

20-9, October 1995: 24-27.

20-10, December 1995: 24-27.

21-1, January 1996: 24-27.

21-2, February 1996: 24-27.

21-3, March 1996: 24-27.

21-4, April !996: 24-27.

21-5, May 1996: 24-27.

21-6, Summer, 1996: 24-27.

21-7, September, 1996: 24-27.

21-8, October 1996: 24-27.

21-9, November 1996: 24-27.

21-10, December 1996: 24-27.

22-1, Jan/Feb, 1997: 24-27.

22-2, March 1997: 24-27.

22-3, April 1997: 24-27.

22-4, May 1997: 24-27.

22-5, Summer 1997: 24-27.

In September or October 1997, Bayard Press Canada which is owned by les Pères Agustins de l’Assomption ( part of the larger organization headquartered in France) in Québec city purchased Owl Communications.

Owl 22-7, November 1997: “New Mighty Mites”. Co-car., Harold Eastman & Paul McCusker: 24-27. Bayard Press Canada Colour.

The title “New Mighty Mites” reverts to “Mighty Mites”.

Owl …: “Mighty Mites”…. Co-car., Harold Eastman & Paul McCusker: … Bayard Press Canada Colour.
23-1, Jan/Feb 1998: 24-27.’

23-4, May 1998: 24-27.

23-5, Sum. 1998: 24-27.

23-6, Sept. 1998: 24-27.

23-7, Oct. 1998: 24-27.

23-8, Nov. 1998: 24-27.

23-9, Dec. 1998: 24-27.

24-1, Jan/Feb, 1999: 24-27.

24-2, March 1999: 24-27.

24-3 April 1999: 24-27.

24-4 May 1999: 24-27.

24-5, Sum. 1999: 24-27.

24-6, Sept. 1999: 28-31.

24-7, Oct. 1999: 28-31.

24-8, Nov. 1999: 28-31.

24-9, Dec. 1999: 28-31.

25-1, Jan/Feb, 2000: 28-31.

25-1, Jan/Feb. 2000: 29-31.

25-2, March 2000: 28-31.

25-3, April 2000: 28-31.

25-4, May 2000: 28-31.

25-5, Summer 2000: 28-31.

25-6, Sept. 2000: 26-29.

25-7, Oct. 2000: 28-31.

25-8, Nov. 2000: 28-31.

25-8, Dec. 2000: 28-31.

26-1, Jan/Feb. 2001: 28-31.

26-2, March 2001: 26-29.

26-3, April 2003: 28-31.

26-4, May 2001: 26-29.

26-5, June 2001: 28-31.

26-7, September 2001: 28-30.

26-8, October 2001: 26-29.

26-9, November 2001: 26-29.

Conclusion of Mighty Mites

Owl, 26-6, Summer 2001: “Top Secret Mites Handbook”: Co-car., Harold Eastman & Paul McCusker: 44-58. A special double edition of Owl in digest size. The handbook provides background for the “Mighty Mites” series.




Globe & Mail, 24 Dec. 1993: “A Child Named Yeshu.” Writ., Salem Alaton: D1,3.


The Spectator [Hamilton], 20 Dec. 1980: “Carol’s greatest gift.” Writ., Wally Grossen: 85.


Canadian Children’s Annual, 1981, The Pirate. Potlatch Publications, 1980.



Content serial:

Orb Magazine, 1- 6, March/April 1976: “Gyk The Barbarian.” Co-writ., Matt Rust & John Sech. In., Jim Craig. Let., Michael Cherkas: 26-33.



Content story:

Growing Up With Comics. Ed., R.G. Taylor. Desperado Publishing, 2008: “Spider-man 31, 32, 33.” Illus., R. G. Taylor: 8-15.



Content various & Cover book front & back:

Offerings, 47 of 100.Eaglewood Studios & Paul McCusker, 2006.



Content information:

Canadian Children’s Annual 1983, Ed., Robert F. Neilson. Art Dir., M. Tach-Holadyk. Potlatch Publications, 1982: “The Native Compounds of Ghana”: 123.


Article book:

Growing Up With Comics. 2008: “Creator Biographies.”


Paul McCusker to Robert MacMillan, 5, May 2021.


A picture containing text, book, several Description automatically generated                                                      Spudniks: The Adventures of Private Spud, 1. Front cover.

A black and white drawing of a group of people sitting at a table Description automatically generated with low confidenceSpudniks: The Adventures of Private Spud, 1: 14-15.

A cover of a book Description automatically generated with medium confidenceRodent Noir: A Dick Rodent Mystery, 1-1, 2005. Front Cover.

A picture containing text, book Description automatically generatedRodent Noir: A Dick Rodent Mystery, 1-1, 2005: 22.

A picture containing text, book Description automatically generatedAtomic Overdrive, 2, no date: 15.                                                                                      Offerings, 2006: 7.

A picture containing text, book Description automatically generatedOfferings, 2006: 18.

A picture containing text, book Description automatically generatedPortrait.

A picture containing indoor, clothes, messy, cluttered Description automatically generatedPortrait, “The Letter”