TORONTO CARTOONIST WORKSHOP/ COMIC LAB Location: 486 College Street, Toronto, Ontario Owner/Operator: Ty Templeton.
Contributor: Eden Bachelder, Maddy Beaupré, Jamie Bullock Dino Caruso, Dawnson Chen, Yolanda Cheung, James Cooper, Pierce Deroschers-O’Sullivan, Dean Dumont, Greg Dunford, Heather Emme, Aaron Feldman, Darius Fox, Kathleen Gallagher, Marshall Geddes, Adam Gorham, Alex Greychuck, Grant Oliver Ho, Howarth, Greg Hyland, Rain Infinity, Ron Kasman Leonard Kirk, Dylan Kloepfer, Jeff Longstreet, Mike Marano, Sam Noir, Rob Oakman, Andrew Pepoy, Rob Pincombe, Gibson Quarter, Rina Rosen, Sam Ruano, Jeff Rusland, Jesse Saunders, Danny Setna, Dave Sim, Anthony Smerek K.T. Smith, Ty Templeton, Kellam Templeton-Smith. Vince Tourangeau, Rick Veitch, Rob Walton, Rachael Wells, Daniel Wong, Devon Wong, Christopher Yao
Character: Edgar Holmes The First, Sherlock Holes The Second,Edgar Holmes The Second, Elizabeth Watson, Arthur “Artie” Holmes, and Sherlock Holmes The Third or “Trey” Holmes make up Holmes Incorporated.
TCW is an advanced teaching environment where aspiring cartoonists can study under the tutelage of working professionals. The 2 issues of Holmes Incorporated contained the work of graduates of the so-called Comic Book Bootcamp course given by the TCW. Comic Lab is a forum where teams of freelance writers and illustrators are assemble to create and publish a professional comic book.
Holmes Incorporated. Con. & Ed., Ty Templeton. 1, Sept. 2010.
Holmes Incorporated. Con. & Ed., Ty Templeton. 2, Aug. 2011.
Low Society, Ed., Rob Walton. 2013.