Written by E.T. Legault and illustrated by Murray Karn, it first appeared in Active Comics, no. 1, February 1942. “Thunderfist” was Randy Steele a circus strong man and acrobat whose brother was an inventor specializing in electrical technology. When his brother was murdered Randy continued his brother’s work and invented an electrically charged suit that gave him special powers. Wearing it he avenged his brother’s murder then set off on a crusade against the Nazi.
According to Hirsh and Loubert The artwork by Murray Karn made Thunderfist the slickest of all the Canadian costumed heroes. He invented a range weaponry, which he used as the keys to world salvation. In one adventure, he captured a machine that “will win the war for our country” (the atomic bomb as an ultimate weapon was the realization of this myth for the 1940’s).”
All published by Bell Features and Publishing.
Cover front:
Active Comics 2, Mar.1942: Illus., Murray Karn.
Active Comics, 5, no date: Illus., Adrian Dingle.
Active Comics,16, no date: Illus., Leo Bachle.
WOW Comics, 29, no date: Illus., Adrian Dingle.
Content serial:
Active Comics,1, Feb.1942: “Introducing Thunderfist The Crime Crusher.” Writ. E.T. Legault. Illus.,Murray Karn: 18-29. Black & white.
Active Comics 2, Mar.1942: “Thunderfist and the Monster of Catastrophe.” Writ., E.T. Legault. Illus., Murray Karn: 1-15. Black & white.
Active Comics, …no date: “Thunderfist.” Writ., E.T.Legault. Illus., Murray Karn…. Black & white. | |||
3: 51-64 | 4: 51-64. | 5: 51-64. Writ., unidentified( probably Legault ). | 6: 50-62. |
Active Comics, no date “Thunderfist.” Writer, Unidentified. Illustrator, Murray Karn. . Black & white. | ||
7:52-64. | 8: 54-63. | 9: 54-63. |
Active Comics, no date: “Thunderfist.” Cartoonist, Murray Karn.. Black & white. | ||
10: 47-55. | 11: 47-55. | 12: 48-56. |
Active Comics, no date “Thunderfist.” Cartoonist, Leo Bachle.. Black & white. | |||
14: 31-39. 15:12-20. |
17: 42-48. 18: 37-43. |
19: 35-41.
20: 13-19. |
21: 14-19.
22: 11-16. |
Active Comics, no date. “Thunderfist and the Men from Mars.” Cartoonist, Ted Steele. Black & white. | ||||
23: 10-16 | 24: 50-56. | 25: 44-50. | 26: 42-47. | End. |
Article book:
The Great Canadian Comic Books. Writ., Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert & Alan Walker. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates Ltd., 1971: 180, 218,
Nicholson, Hope. “Murray Karn.” Researcher, Rachel Richey. Southampton Artists Assoc.. n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. htpp://>.
Illus., Murray Karn. Active Comics, 2, Taken from front cover.
Illus., Murray Karn, Active Comics, 4: 51.
Illus., Murray Karn, Active Comics, 4: 52.
Thunderfist And The Men From Mars. Illus., Adrian Dingle. Active Comics, 29. Front cover.
Car., Leo Bachle. Active Comics, 19: 35.