BROWN Huntley
Born 12 May 1932 in Lethbridge Alberta where he grew up.
He knew he wanted to be an artist from the age of eight years when he and two friends were creating comic books. In this ambition he was supported by his father who was an amateur painter. He attended the Ontario College of Art and graduated in 1955 with a Governor General’s Award.
He began as a commercial artist drawing appliances for Simpson Sears, then joined Templeton’s Studio and finally became a freelancer in the mid 1960’s illustrating book covers and articles in magazines including Maclean’s and newspapers including the Toronto Star. In Starweek Magazine, he illustrated a series called “The Pleasures of …” covering a wide variety of subjects. He drew posters including one for the 1974 Canada Russia Hockey Summit featuring portraits of each of the players. He designed stamps for Canada Post and the Regina Centennial coin.
Alongside his freelancing he did watercolours and in 1983 he opened his own gallery as an outlet for them. The subject matter for these was scenes he saw while tripping through mid-Ontario. He also returned to the now named Ontario College of Art and Design where he taught Life Drawing and illustration for several decades.
In 1978, he was elected to the Royal Canadian Academy of Artists and in 1997 he was given a Lifetime Achievement award by the Canadian Association of Photographers & Illustrators in Communication.
He died 4 May 2022.
Content history:
Canada’s First Bank. Writ., Merrill Denison. McClelland & Stewart, 1966. Painting: “Government Banker Works with the British Army”: 347. Part of a group of artists: Lorne Bouchard, Douglas Johnson, Bruce Johnson, Will Davies, William Kurelek, Henry Simpkins, Stuart Main, Gerald L. Sevier, Roy Hewitson , James Walker, Jack Tremblay, Fred Oakley, Franklin Arbuckle, Alex Taylor, Tom McNeely, Lewis Parker, Jerry Lazare commissioned for this work.
Content history & Cover dust jacket front:
Frontenac and the Iroquois. Writ., Fred Swayze. Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1959.
Content story & Cover dust jacket front:
Home for Christmas and other stories. Writ., Scott Young. Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1989.
Content various:
Maclean’s …: “…”. …:… |
…, 8 October 1960: “Making it with the chicks”. Writ., Mordecai Richler: 30.-31.
…, 6 May 1961: “It was Fun To Be Poor In Paris”. Writ., Mordecai Richler: 16. (Biography) …, 20 May 1961: “The Apprenticeship Of Mordecai Richler”. Writ., M. Richler: 20. (Biography) …, June 1969: “Easy Divorce”. Writ., Douglas Marshall: 72-73. (Essay) |
Cover front:
Maclean’s, April 1973.
Content essay:
Toronto Star: Street Talk: 3 May 1979: “All alone in a cold, cruel world”. Writ., unknown: F2.
Maclean’s June 1969: 72-73.
Maclean’s, April 1973: Front cover.
Toronto Star: Street Talk: 3 May 1979: F2.