As the title suggests Joseph Hillenbrand was predicting what the world would look like after the war much in the way that popular science books of the time predicted the future. An interesting aspect of this feature was “Dream Dept” the feature’s interactive portion in which the author invited readers to send in their ideas about the future which then Hillenbrand turned into drawings. It was another example of Educational Projects attempting to engage its readers into participating.
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY: Published by Educational Projects.
Content serial Information:
Canadian Heroes…: “World of Tomorrow…”:… Cart., Joseph B.Hillebrand. Black & white |
3-3, Feb., 1944: “Transportation”: 30-34
3-4, March 1944: “Education”: 34-36. 3-5, April 1944: “Entertainment”: 43-46. 3-6, May 1944: “Food-Clothing”: 60-63. 4-1, June 1944: “Home – Life Pt. 1”: 40-43. 4-2, July 1944: “Home – Life Pt. 2”: 38-40. 4-6, January 1945: “Power”: 21-23. 5-3, June 1945: “Dream Dept”: 42-44. |
Canadian Heroes, 5-4, July 1945: “World of Tomorrow.” Cart. & Compiler, Joseph B. Hillebrand: 19-22.
Canadian Heroes 5-5, September 1945: “World of Tomorrow: Dream Dep’t Special.” Contributions from readers: 22-25.
“World of Tomorrow: Home-Life Pt. 1.” Cart., J. Hillenbrand. Canadian Heroes, 4-1, June 1944: 41.