Born 1910 in Hoboken New Jersey, U.S.A., one of the principals of Educational Projects Inc., he was creator and cartoonist of one interesting series “The World of Tomorrow” and may have been the creator and cartoonist of “The History of Canada” although he is identified only as the illustrator.

He died 1966.



PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                          Published by Educational Projects Inc. with colour covers and black and white interiors.



Canadian Heroes 5-1, February 1945: “Boy Scout Week”: 33.

Award honour :

Canadian Heroes 5-1, February 1945: “Cornwall Badge Winner (The Victoria Cross of Scouting): Ralph Moses”: 20 & Robert Oke: 57.

Biography :

Canadian Heroes 5-4, July 1945: “Stanley: 44th Governor-General of Canada 1888-1893”: 34-37.


Canadian Heroes 1-1, Oct. 1942: “Everyday Heroes.” (Boy Scouts): 47-48.

Canadian Heroes 3-1, Nov./Dec. 1943: “Heroes All.” R.L. Hennessy.” Car., Jos                                                                                (Hillenbrand?): 49.                                                                                                            “Canadian Facts and Oddities”: 64.

Canadian Heroes 3-5, April 1944.: “Canada At Work: Power for Aluminum: The Story of Shipshaw No. 2”: 1-8.

Canadian Heroes 4-2, July 1944: “Canadian Youth Hostels”: 1-4.

Series information:

Canadian Heroes….: “World of Tomorrow…”:….
3-3, Feb., 1944: “… Transportation”: 30-34.

3-4, March 1944: “. . . Education”: 34-36.

3-5, April 1944: “. . . Entertainment”: 43-46.

3-6, May 1944: “. . . Food-Clothing”: 60-63.

4-1, June 1944: “. . . Home – Life Pt. 1”: 40-43.

4-2, July 1944: “. . . Home – Life Pt. 2”: 38-40.

4-6, Jan. 1945: “. . . Power”: 21-23.

5-3, June 1945: “. . . Dream Dept”: 42-44.

5-4, July 1945: “. . .”: 19-22.

5-5, Sept. 1945: “Dream Dep’t Special”: 22-25.





Canadian Heroes…: “…” …: ….
1-1, Oct. 1942: “Robert Shankland, V.C. D.C.M.” Writ., G. Edelstein: 18-20.

1-2, Nov. 1942: “Alexander Mackenzie, The Stone Mason Who Became a Great Liberal Prime Minister.” Writ., G.E.: 27-31.

1-6, Apr.1943: “Lieut. Jean Brillant V.C., M.C.” Writ., Shatan: 5-8..

2-3, July 1943: “Lt. Col. Raymond Collishaw.” Writ., Winters: 10-16.                                                       “No. 1 Railroader: Sir Henry Thornton.” Writ., D.M.H.: 22-24.

2-6, Oct. 1943: “49th Governor-General of Canada: Duke Of Devonshire.” Writ., unidentified. 5-7.

3-1, Nov./Dec. 1943: “ Captain Sigtryggur Jonasson.” Writ., Tassy: 12-15.

3-3, Feb., 1944: “John Travers Cornwall V.C.” Writ., F.K.: 12-17.

3-4, March 1944: “Maisonneuve.” Writ., SONAP.: 22-26.

3-5, April 1944: “Mother To Thousands: Lillian Freiman O.B.E.” Co- writ., R.H. [Rose Halperin?] & J.H. {Joseph Hillenbrand?]: 9-14.

3-6, May 1944: “Madelene De Verchères: Canada’s First Girl Scout.” Writ., Michael. Illus., unidentified probably Hillenbrand: 44-48.

4-1, June 1944: “Pilot Officer Robert Burns Charters D.F.M.” Writ., H.J.H. (Harry J.                                   Halperin): 12-14.                                                                                                             “Colonel Elizabeth Lawrie Smellie C.B.E., R.R.C. L.L.D.: A Tribute To                              A Canadian Nurse.” Writ., F.K.: 15-20.

4-6, January 1945: “Winston Churchill.” Writ., M.G.: 14-19.

5-3, June 1945: “Edward Johnston: Metropolitan Opera Assistant.” Writ., Rose Halperin: 17-21.


Canadian Heroes 1-1, Oct. 1942: “The Story of the Northwest Mounted Police.” Writ., R.S.: 12-17.

Canadian Heroes 1-6, Apr.1943: “The Story of Tank Production.” Writ., Leison: 21-25.


Canadian Heroes 3-3, Feb., 1944: “The Cornwall Scout Badge.” Writ., F.K.: 18.

Canadian Heroes 5-1, February 1945: “Boy Scouts Of Canada.” Writ., unident.: 2-11.                                                                 “Fire Effects and Prevention”: Writ., Morton: 34-37.

Information text:

Canadian Heroes…: “A Vegetable Garden.” Writ., Heather Tinkoff,:….
5-3, June 1945: 48-49. 5-4, July 1945: 32-33. 5-5, Sept. 1945: 35-36.

Novella text

Canadian Heroes…: “The Secret Of The Dungeon.” Writ., Charles Clay: ….
“Ch. 1-2.” 5-3, June 1945: 9-11.

“Ch. 3-4.” 5-4, July 1945: 15-17.

“Ch. 5-6.” 5-5, Sept.: 45-47.

Series history:

Canadian Heroes…: “The History of Canada…”: …. Writer, unidentified: …
2-6, Oct. 1943: “Part 9”: 48-57.

3-1, Nov./Dec. 1943: “Part 10”: 45-48.

3-4, March 1944: “Part. 13”: 42-45.

3-5, April 1944: Part. 14: 20-23.

3-6, May 1944: Part. 15: 23-26.


4-1, June 1944: Part 16: 1837 Rebellion”: 58-59.

4-2, July 1944: Part 17: 1837 Rebellion”: 55-58

4-6, January 1945: “Part 21”: 34-37

5-1: February 1945. No episode.

5-3, June 1945: “Canada & U.S Civil War”: 50-53.

5-4, July 1945: “Canada & U.S Civil War”: 52-55.

5-5 Sept. 1945: “Quebec Conference”: 1864. 49-51.





Canadian Heroes 3-5, April 1944: “Mother To Thousands: Lillian Freiman O.B.E.” Co- writ., R.H. [Rose Halperin?] & J.H. {Joseph Hillenbrand?] Illus., J. Hillenbrand: 9-14.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\H\HILLENBRAND, Joseph, Canadian Heroes, 2-3, July 1943, 10.jpg Canadian Heroes, 2-3, July 1943: 10.

An example of Hillenbrand using graphics to inject interest into a rather prosaic story.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\H\HILLENBRAND J. J., Canadian Heroes, 3-5, apr 1944, 3 .jpgCanadian Heroes, 3-5, April 1944: “Canada At Work: Power for Aluminum: The Story Of Shipshaw #2”:  3.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\H\HILLENBRAND, J, Canadian Heroes, 5-3, June 1945,17 _0002.jpgCanadian Heroes, 5-3, June 1945: 17.