WARD Dudley
This Englishman born in Staffordshire England resided in Toronto in the first decades of the 20th century. He began his cartooning career through the English comic paper Ally Sloper where he created a prehistoric sloper character. This came to an end through professional rivalry from another illustrator with which Ward created the “Dingbats” which were fantastic gnome-like creatures. These also became a success. In addition to Ally Sloper, he work appeared in most British humourous magazines: Sketch, Illustrated London News and Bystander. In Canada his work appeared in Maclean’s, Courier, Canada Weekly, the Christmas issues of Toronto Globe and Everywoman’s World. For Every woman’s World he created the “Jolliken’s”.
Article periodical:
Canadian Bookman, Apr.1919: “Some Canadian Illustrators. “ Writ., St. George Burgoyne: 28.