Séraphin, L’Histoire Illustrée d’un home et son péché “ was a cartoon strip that appeared in Le Bulletin des agriculteurs from October 1951 to September 1970. It was drawn by Albert Chartier using scripts for the radio then television series “Les Belles Histoires des pays d’en haut” written by Claude-Henri Grignon. In its television format the series, broadcast by Radio Canada, ran from October 8, 1956 to June 1970. The series was in turn based on the novel L’homme et son péché “ written by Grignon in 1933. The novel was a simple story of a young woman Donalda who is forced to forsake her true love Alexis and marry the rich but parsimonious Séraphin who is mayor of the town. She dies of a strange sickness and he is killed in a house fire trying to save his money. However, when transformed into the radio and cartoon series the story was greatly expanded to become episodes in the lives of various citizens of the town.



Content biography & Folio:

Drawn & Quarterly v. 5: August 2003: “Albert Chartier: A Retrospective On The Life and Work Of A Pioneer Quebecois Cartoonist”: 166-172.


 Content cartoon strip:

Séraphin. Writ., Claude-Henri Grignon. Illus., Albert Chartier. les Éditions Les 400 coups, 2010.