SALAS Ronald

SALAS Ronald

Born and raised in Mississauga, he currently lives in Orlando, Florida. He made his debut in the second volume of the critically acclaimed Image Comics anthology Pop Gun. His other credits include 28 Days Later, Dracula: Company of Monsters, and Existence.




Content serial:

True Patriot: All New Canadian Comic Book Adventures. Ed., J. Torres. True Patriot Comics, 2013: “Dominion Jack in ‘My Way’.” Writ., Jack Briglio. Let., Ed Brisson: 17-26.

True Patriot: Heroes Of The Great White North. Ed., J. Torres. True Patriot Comics, 2014: “Dominion Jack in ‘Difference’.” Writ., Jack Briglio. Let., Howard Wong: 105-112.


Content serial & Cover A front:

Northguard. 1, Aug. 2016. Chapter House Comics: “Northguard: Aurora Dawn Part 1.” Writ., Anthony Falcone. Col., Irma Kniivila. Let., Ed Brisson.

Northguard. 2, Sept.. 2016. Chapter House Comics: “Northguard: Aurora Dawn Part 2: Dangerous Encounter.” Writ., Anthony Falcone. Illus., pg 1-3, Ron Salas, pg 4-20, Eric Kim. Col., Juanco. Let., Ryan Ferrier.

Cover A front:

Northguard. 3, Oct. 2016. Chapter House Comics.


Article book:

True Patriot: All New Canadian Comic Book Adventures. Ed., J. Torres. True Patriot Comics, 2013: “About the Creators”: 104.