ROSS David
Dave Ross at Dragon Lady Comics, Queen St. West, Toronto (1986). Taken during interview for Comic Interview Magazine 39.
While at Sheridan College, this graduate created a futuristic world called “Avalone” which started as an animation project. Thse concept became a cartoon story in Vanity. Ross was planning a career in animation and worked at Nelvana for a short time before he decided he’d be happier doing comic books.
In 1987 he worked as illustrator on Alpha Flight for Marvel Comics and has become a regular artist for both DC and Marvel comics.
According to Dave Darrigo Aliens Xenogenesis was Dave’s best work done in U.S. comics while Powerline was his worst. (Darrigo thought Ross would agree.) For Aliens, Dave got to pick his own inker and he liked the colouring job. He was very critical of colouring.
Vanity, 2, Aug. 1984: “Avalone, Survival.” Writ., David Campiti. In., Dan Adkins. Let., Cody: 21-32.
Alpha Flight….. Marvel Comics Group | |
1-37, Aug. 1986. | 1-38, Sept. 1986. |
Wrap around:
Thrax, 1, Nov. 1996.
Cover front:
Captain Canuck – Unholy War, 2, Nov.2004: In., Drue Langlois..
Content serial:
Alpha Flight….: “…” Writ., Bill Mantlo. In., Whilce Potacio unless otherwise noted. Let., Jim Novak unless otherwise noted. Col., Bob Sharen. Marvel Comics Group. |
1-35, June 1986: “The Child Is Father To The Man”: 1-30. In., Gerry Talaco.
1-36, July 1986: Labour Pains”: 1-30. . In., Gerry Talaco. Let. Jim Rosen. 1-31. 1-37, Aug. 1986: “Death Birth”: 1-30. In., Gerry Talaco. 1-38, Sept., 1986: “Pestilence”: 1-30. In., Gerry Talaco. 1-39, Oct., 1986: “The Invasion Of Atlantis”: 1-30. 1-40, Nov. 1986: “Love”: 1-31. 1-41, Dec. 1986: “It’s Not Easy Being Purple”: 1-30. 1-42, Jan. 1987: “Auction”: 1-31. 1-43, Feb., 1987: “ Strike Across The Border”: 1-31. Let., Ken Bruzenak. 1-44, Mar. 1987: “Plague”: 1-30. |
Aliens, Xenogenesis…. Writ., Tom & Mary Bieabaum. In., Andrew Pepoy. Col., Dan Jackson. Let., Sean Konot. | |||
1, Aug. 1999. | 2, Sept. 1999. | 3, Oct. 1999 | 4, Nov. 1999. |
Avengers West Coast…. Writ., Roy & Dann Thomas. In., Tim Dzon. Let., Bill Oakley. Col., Bob Sharen. |
2-76, Nov. 1991: “Make Way for the Night Shift”: 1 – 30.
2-77, Jan. 1991: “Hurray for Hollywood Weird”: 1 – 30. 2-78, Jan. 1992: ‘There’s No Business Like…”: 1 – 30. |
Avengers West Coast….Writ., R. & D. Thomas. In., T. Dzon. Let., Joe Rosen. Col., Bob Sharen. |
2-79, Feb. 1992: “Fade Out”: 1 – 30.
2-80, Mar. 1992: “Turn of the Sentry”: 1 – 30. 2-81, Apr. 1992: “They Also Serve”: 1 – 30. 2-82, May 1992: “Shi’ar Hatred”: 1 – 30. |
Avengers West Coast … Writ., R. & D. Thomas. In., T. Dzon. Let., Steve Dutro. Col., B. Sharen. |
2-84, July 1992: “Along Came a Spider”: 1-30.
2-85, Aug. 1992: “Death Has Eight Legs”: 1-30. 2-86, Sep. 1992: “Webs of Fear and Sorrow”: 1-30. 2-87, Oct.1982: “Peace Divided”: 1-30. 2-88, Nov. 1992: “The Second Cold War”: 1-30. 2-89, Dec. 1992: “Ultron Unbound”: 1-30. 2-90, Jan. 1993: “Death Valley Daze”: 1-30. 2-91, Feb. 1993: “War Toy”: 1-30. 2-92, Mar. 1993: “When Goliaths Clash”: 1-30. |
Avengers West Coast, 2-93, Apr. 1993: “Demonica Calling.” Writ., R. & D. Thomas. In., T. Dzon & Aaron McClellan. Let., S. Dutro. Col., B. Sharen. 1-30.
Avengers West Coast, 2-94, May 1993: “Personal Demons.” Writ., R. & D. Thomas. In., T. Dzon. Let., S. Dutro. Col., B. Sharen. 1 – 30.
Iron Man, 258-2, July 2013: “Entity Mine.” Writ., D. Michelinie. In., Bob Layton. Col., Chris Sotomayor. Let., Dave Lanphear..
Iron Man, 258-3, July 2013: “Entity Hammered.” Writ., D. Michelinie. In., Bob Layton. Col., Chris Sotomayor. Let., Dave Lanphear..
Power Line, 1-1, May 1988: “A Shadow Saga, Nexus.” Con., Archie Goodwin. Writ., D.C. Chichester
& Margaret Clark. In., Bob McLeod. Let., Phil Felix. Col., John Wellington: 1-28.
Power Line, 1-2, July 1988: “A Shadow Saga, Across this Great Nation.” Con., A. Goodwin. Writ., D.C. Chichester & M. Clark. In., Al Williamson. Let., P. Felix. Col., J. Wellington: 1-28.
Power Line, 1-3, Sept.1988 “A Shadow Saga, Every Purpose Under Heaven.” Con.., A. Goodwin. Writ., D.C. Chichester & M. Clark. In., Terry Austin. Let., P. Felix. Col., Petra Scotese: 1-28.
The Punisher, II-6, Feb.1968: “Garbage.” Writ., Mike Baron. In., Kevin Nolan. Col., John Wellington: 3 – 22.
Content serial:
Thrax, 1, Nov. 1996: “In the Dead of the Night.” In., Tom Wegryzn. Let., Steve LeBlanc & George P. Gatsis. Col. David Chapman, John Lai, Jim Molos & Dave Ross..
Content novel & Cover book front, co-illus., Chris. Chuckry:
Necromantic. Writ., Lovern Kundzierski. Co-illus., Geof Isherwood. Col., Christopher Chuckry. Let., Taylor Esposito. Renegade Arts Entertainment, 2020.
Content serial:
All-New Classic Captain Canuck. Captain Canuck, 3, Oct. 2016. “Time Chase pt. 3,” Writ. & Let., Ed
Brisson. Co-illus., George Freeman. Col., Laurie Smith.
The Outsiders, 23, Sept. 1987: “…And The Rocket’s Red Glare”: Writ., Mike Barr. Co-illus., Bob Smith. Let., Albert DeGuzman: 1-27.
Cover front:
Aliens: Xenogenesis, … Co-illus., Andrew Pepoy. Col., Dan Jackson. | |||
1, Aug. 1999. | 2, Sept. 1999. | 3, Oct.. 1999 | 4, Nov. 1999. |
Iron Man,….Co-illus., Tom Palmer & Chris Sotomayor. | |
258-2, July 2013. | 258-2, July 2013. |
Article periodical:
Comics Interview, 39, 1986: “Dave Darrigo & Dave Ross, Part 1.” Interviewer, Paul Power. 20-27.
Comics Interview, 40, 1986: “Dave Darrigo & Dave Ross, Part 2.” Interviewer, Paul Power. 43-49.
Article newspaper:
“Here’s your guide to superheroes of Canadian comics.” Toronto Star, 27 February 1987: D6.
Alpha Flight, 1-37, August 1986: Front cover.
Alpha Flight, 1-38, September 1986: Front cover.