An example of a character created for radio being transferred to the cartoon format.
The Frantics were a CBC radio comedy team who among other skits created “Mr Canoehead” in the 1970’s. The character went on to appear in the television series Four On The Floor. The Frantics teamed up with Anthony Van Bruggen to create a graphic story which appeared in Canadian Comics Cavalcade.
“Mr Canoehead” is an unnamed insurance salesman, who while portaging his aluminum canoe in Algonquin Park was struck by lightning which fused the canoe to his head. Unable to return to a normal life his decides to use his new head as an instrument to fight crime or whatever. His principal enemy was “Dr. Evil Perm, a French Canadian trapper called “Mad Claude” who while battling “Mr Canoehead” in a beauty salon wound up with a hair dryer welded to his head.
“Mr Canoehead” did not end with Canadian Comics Cavalcade, circa the 2020’s, Sleeping Giant Brewing Co. of Thunder Bay, launched a hoppy red ale which it named “Mr. Canoehead”.
Content story:
Canadian Comics Cavalcade, 1-1, Summer 1986: “Mr Canoehead: The Mystery of the Disappearing
Orphanage.” Writ., The Frantics. Illus., Anthony Van Bruggen. Let., Stig Alighieri. 1-5.
Mr Canoehead, Accessed 22 March 2022.
Mr. Canoehead and fellow Canadian heroes. Canadian Comics Cavalcade, 1-1, Summer 1986: Wraparound cover back.
Canadian Comics Cavalcade, 1-1, Summer 1986: 2
Canadian Comics Cavalcade, 1-1, Summer 1986: 5.
Sleeping Giant Brewing Co. Hoppy Red Ale
“The malt and Citra hops of this aromatic red ale Will strike you like a lightning bolt … without fusing the canoe to your head”