MOSHER Terry       

MOSHER Christopher Terry

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE OF PERSON\M\MOSHER Terry, Was It Good For You, 2012, fc.jpg                            Was It Good For You? 2012: Back cover.

“A political cartoon diagnoses the disease. It should not presume to                  prescribe the cure.”                                                                                                      The Hecklers: 227.

Mosher was born November 11, 1942 in Ottawa.

He studied art at Toronto’s Central Technical School and the Ontario College of Art. For two years he hitchhiked across North America supporting himself most of the time by sketching people in bars and taverns. In 1965 he enrolled in L’École des beaux-arts in Québec City. During the summer he was among the young artists who congregated on the Rue du Trésor near the Chateau Frontenac to sell sketches and paintings to tourists. This is where Mosher began to caricature for profit and where he did his first political cartoon – a drawing of Lyndon Johnson produced on order to a tourist from Boston. Mosher signed his daughter’s name Aislin to the caricature apparently because he wanted to save his own name for his serious drawing and painting. However, this became the nom de plume that he has ever since used for his editorial cartoons. After graduating he freelanced for several student and underground publications in Montreal. He joined the Montreal Star as a staff cartoonist in 1969 and The Gazette in 1972 where he alternated with fellow cartoonist John Collins on the editorial page.

He won Canadian National Newspaper Awards in 1977 and 1978 and at 43 was the youngest member inducted into the Canadian News Hall of Fame. He was awarded first prize for political cartooning at the 1970 International Salon of Caricature and Cartoon. In 1978, he was flown from Montréal to Vancouver as witness for the deference in the libel trial of Bob Bierman, cartoonist, who was being sued by Municipal Affair Minister, Bill Vander Zalm.

Mosher has freelanced for many other publications including Punch, The Atlantic Monthly, Harpers, The National Lampoon, The Washington Star and the New York Times. He has done three covers for TIME magazine and his work has been published in at least two dozen books including The Hecklers: A History of Political Cartooning (1978), The Anglo Guide to Survival in Quebec (1983), Drawing Bones: 15 Years of Cartooning Brian Mulroney (1991), Hysterically Historical Rhymes (1996) and One Oar in The Water (1997).

A baseball enthusiast, he is a member of the Baseball Writers Association of America and a jury member of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. He has also drawn interpretive sketchbooks of his travels in Russia, Northern Ireland and North Africa.

In 1993 Aislin became the first artist to have his cartoons denounced by an MP in the House of Commons (Hon Bob Layton, PC Member for Lachine, Québec) as “a crime against fundamental Canadian values of decency and mutual respect.”

In 1997 he and his counterpart at La Presse, Serge Chapleau, were honoured by the McCord Museum in Montréal with a major joint exhibition.

He is considered one of Canada’s leading newspaper editorial cartoonists.

On 8 October 2021, Canada Post Corp. honoured him with a first day cover and a commemorative stamp.




Content editorial cartoon:

The Art of Political Cartooning in Canada/1980. Ed., Steve Bradley. For., Robert LaPalme. Virgo Press, Oct. 1980.

Best Canadian Political Cartoons, 1983. Ed., N.M. Stahl. For., David Rosen. McClelland & Stewart Ltd. Sept. 1983: 20, 55, 60, 115, 119, 121, 156, 179.

Best Canadian Political Cartoons, 1984. Ed., N.M. Stahl. For.,Robert LaPalme. McClelland & Stewart Ltd. Sept. 1984: 26, 38, 51, 65, 107, 157, 175, 185, 188.

Caricature . Cartoons Canada. Ed., Terry Mosher. Linda Leith Publishing, 2012: 23.

Portfoolio, The Year 85 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux & Alan King. Writ., Charles Gordon.: Ludcom Inc. 1985.

Portfoolio, The Year 86 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Charles Gordon. Ludcom Inc. 1986.

Portfoolio, The Year 87 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Ludcom Inc. 1987.

1988 Portfoolio, The Year In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Charles Gordon. Eden Press. 1988.

Portfoolio: 1989 in Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Charles Gordon. Macmillan of Canada, 1989.

Portfoolio …: The Year in Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Charles Gordon. Macmillan of Canada, ….
6: 1990. 7: 1991. 8: 1992. 9: 1993.
Portfoolio…: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Ken MacQueen Macmillan of Canada, ….
10: 1994. 11: 1995. 12: 1996.
Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Jay Stone Macmillan of Canada, …
13, 1997. 14, 1998. 15, 1999. 16, 2000. 17, 2001.

Portfoolio 18: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Scott Feschuk. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 2002.

Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed. & Writ., Guy Badeaux . McArthur & Co. …
19, 2003. 20, 2004. 21, 2005.
Portfoolio …: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., & Writ., Warren Clements. McArthur & Co. ….
22: 2006. 23: 2009. 24: 2010. 25: 2011.


Content cartoon editorial & Cover book:

Aislin: 100 Caricatures. Reporter Publications Ltd., 1971.

Aislin 1973: 150 Caricatures. Content Publishing Ltd., 1973.

‘Ello Morgantaler? Aislin: 150 Caricatures. Hurtig Publishers, 1975.

O.K. Everyone Take a Valium. Hurtig Publishers, 1977..

l’humour d’Aislin. Les Editions Quinze, 1977. t.

Did The Earth Move?, McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1980.

Stretch Marks: 15 Years Of Aislin Cartoons, McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1982..

Where’s The Trough. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1985.

Old Whores. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1987.

The Lawn Jockey. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1989.

Drawing Bones: My 15 Years of Cartooning Brian Mulroney. Key Porter Books Ltd., 1991.

Put Up and Shut Up. Robert Davies Publishing 1994.

One Oar In The Water. Little Brown & Co. Ltd., 1997.

The Big Wind Up. McArthur & Co., 1999.

Oh! Oh! McArthur & Co., 2004.

What’s Next? McArthur & Co., 2006..

Aislin’s Shenanigans. McArthur & Co., 2009.

Was It Good For You? Linda Leith Publishing, 2012.


 Content editorial cartoon & Cover:

 Zoomer, 39-2, Feb/March 2023:                                                                                                 “The Coming Storm”: 29, 30-31, 32, 36, 41, 44, 48, 52, 55.                                                “Zoomerang”: 94.



Content biography:

The Establishment Man, Writ., Peter C. Newman. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1982: 276.

Content commentary political & Cover dust jacket front:

Parcel of Rogues, Writ., Maude Barlow. Key Porter Books Ltd., 1990.


Content essay & Cover dust jacket front:

Mordecai Richler Was Here: Selected Writings, Ed., Jonathan Webb. Madison Press Books, 2006.


Content biography & Cover book front:

Further Fabulous Canadians, Writ., Gordon Snell. McArthur & Co., 2004.

More Marvellous Canadians, Writ., Gordon Snell. McArthur & Co. 2002.

Oh Canadians, Writ., Gordon Snell. Little Brown Canada Ltd., 1996.

Yes Even More Canadians, Writ., Gordon Snell. McArthur & Co., 2000.

Content humour:

National Lampoon, Slightly Higher In Canada, Ed., S. Kelly & T. Mann. National Lampoon Inc., 1978.

Content humour & Cover book front:

The Anglo Guide To Survival In Quebec, Ed., Josh Freed & Jon Kalina. Eden Press, 1983.

The Retarded Giant, Writ., B. Mann. Montréal: Tundra Books Ltd., 1977.

Content poetry & Cover dust jacket front & back:

Barbed Lyrics: Canadian Venomous Verse, Ed., Margaret Atwood, Allan Fotheringham & Nancy White Key Porter Books, 1990.

Content song book & Cover book front & back:

The Illustrated Canadian Song Book, Writ., George Bowser & Rick Blue. Toronto: McArthur & Co., 2003. Print & CD.

Content sports text:

The First Great Canadian Sports Trivia Quiz Book, Writ., Snyder Brodie. Checkmark Books, 1981.

The Year The Expos Almost Won The Pennant, Writ., Snyder Brodie. Toronto: Virgo Press, Nov.1979.

The Year The Expos Finally Won Something, Writ., Snyder Brodie. Toronto: Checkmark Books, 1981.

Content sports text & Cover dust jacket front & back:

Hockey Night In Moscow, Writ., Jack Ludwig. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1972.

Content story text & Cover book front & back:

Tootle, Writ., Johan Sarrazin. Tundra Books, 1984.



Book front:

Hoods On The Hill. Writ., Royce Frith. Coach House Press, 1991.

Their Turn To Curtsy Your Turn To Bow. Writ., Peter C. Newman & Stan Fillmore. Maclean-Hunter Ltd., 1972.

Dust jacket front:

Shovelling Trouble. Writ., Mordecai Richler. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1972.



Anglo! A Musical Cartoon. Original Cast Recording. Music, Allan Nicholls. Book, Rod Hayward. Justin Time Records Inc., 1984. JUST 5

Bowser & Blue. Comp., Mus. & Per., George Bowser & Ricky Blue. Justin Time Records Inc., 1986. JUST 9.



Content history, 1972 Summit Series:

Canada’s History, August/September 2013: “On Thin Ice.” 32-39.



Content history & anthology cartoon editorial:

Caricature . Cartoon Canada. Linda Leith Publishing, 2012.



Content humour & Cover book front:

2000 Reasons To Hate The Millennium: A 21st Century Survival Guide, Co-ed., Josh Freed. Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1999.



Content biography & Cover dust jacket front & back:

Professional Heckler: The Life and Art of Duncan Macpherson. Terry Mosher, 2020.



Content history & anthology cartoon editorial Cover dust jacket wrap around:

The Hecklers. Co-writ., Peter Desbarates. McClelland and Stewart Ltd., 1979: 22-52, 229.



Trivial Pursuit advertisement posters, Horn Abbott Ltd.

“The Game Board For Friends … Or Enemies”, 1981.

“You Lived Through It … Now Try and Remember It”, 1981.

“You played it for her – you can play it for me”, 1982.

“Trivial Pursuit Babt Boomer Edition”, 1982.


“Stress”, Aislin line Montréal, 1989.



Article book:

The Hecklers. Writ. & Ed.., Peter Desbarates & Terry Mosher. McClelland and Stewart Ltd., 979: 190- 192, 228.

Article magazine:

Target, Summer 1983: “Outrage On Tap: The Art Of Aislin.” Writ., Dave Rosen..

Article newspaper:

Globe & Mail, 8 April 2017: “Illustrative lessons of a cartoonist’s career.” Writ., Brian Gable: R8.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\M\MOSHER Terry, Was It Good For You, 2012, 168.jpgA satirical self portrait based on a 17th century miniature of Nasrettin Hoca a 13th century satirist who lived in the Seljuk Sultinate of Rum (part of present day Turkey), on the occasion of an international cartoon competition in Istanbul.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\M\MOSHER Terry Portfoolio 11, 74.jpgPortfoolio, 11, 1995: 74.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\M\MOSHER Terry, Portfoolio, 21, fc.jpgFrom Portfoolio, 21, 2005: Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\M\MOSHER Terry, _0002.jpg            Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\M\MOSHER Terry, _0003.jpg                  Front cover.