This humorous cartoon strip which appeared daily in the Ottawa Citizen from May 2 to June 18 1994 was created by partners Janet Hetherington and Ronn Sutton. “. The heroine “Jannie Weezie” who was the alter ego to writer Hetherington and hero “Treat Visual” who mirrored illustrator Sutton created a comic strip called “Jane Strange Time Twister”. Excerpts from this strip within a strip would itself sometimes appear. The story followed the characters efforts and relationship in their creative endeavor which in turn mirrored the creators’ lives and relationships in creating “Jannie Weezie”.



Content strip cartoon & Cover book front & back:

The Jannie Weezie Ashcan Sampler. #0. Car., Janet Hetherington & Ronn Sutton. Hetherington/Sutton Studio, 1994.

Jannie Weezie vs. “The Brain”. #00, (Book 2). Car., Janet Hetherington & Ronn Sutton. Hetherington/Sutton Studio, 1996.


Content serial graphic:

Ottawa Citizen, 2 May 1994:D9 to 18 June 1994: J2. “The Jannie Weezie.” Writ., Janet Hetherington. Illus., Ronn Sutton.


Article booklet:

The Jannie Weezie Ashcan Sampler. #0. Hetherington/Sutton Studio, 1994: “Here Comes Jannie Weezie.” Writ., Janet L. Hetherington. Inside front and back covers.

Jannie Weezie vs. “The Brain”. #00, (Book 2). Hetherington/Sutton Studio, 1996: “The Daily Adventures of Jannie Weezie: An Interview with Artist Ronn Sutton.” Writ., Janet L.  Hetherington. Inside front and back covers.

Article newspaper:

Ottawa Citizen, 2 May 1994: “Artists bring own lives to art, art to life”: A2.


Jannie WeezieOttawa Citizen.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON J\JANNIE WEEZIE Jannie Wheezie vs The Brain, 00, fc.jpg Jannie Weezie vs. “The Brain”. 00: Front cover.