Born 1954 in Toronto.

He studied Media Arts & Cartooning and Graphic Story Arts at Sheridan College.

He teamed up with James Waley to convert “Northern Light” from a comical to a serious character.

He worked as a storyboard artist at Nelvana Animation Studios.

He also worked as a cartoonist and illustrator on Jr. Jays Magazine, Master of Kung Fu, “Spider-Man”, “Wulf The Barbarian”, “3-D Man” and others.




Content education:

The National Driving Test. Writ., Janet Rosenstock & Denis Adair. Produced for Insurance Bureau of Canada by Page II, no date.




Orb Magazine 1-4, Nov./Dec. 1975: “Orb Poster: Cosmic Light”: 12.


Orb Magazine 1-5, Jan./Feb. 1976: “Kadaver: …my will be done.” Writ., James Whaley. (Assist., M. Rust.) (Layout by A. Cooper.) Let., Michael Cherkas: 46-56.

Orb Magazine,1-3, Dec.1974: “The Guardian of Mars Part 2.” (Northern Light) Writ., T. Casey Brennan. Col., Matt Rust & Waylee: 30 – 39. Northern Light appears in this story.

Orb Magazine, 1-4, Nov./Dec.1975: “The Origin of Northern Light Part 1: To You …Déjà vu.” Writ., J. Whaley & G. Henderson. Let., M. Cherkas. 46 – 55.

Orb Magazine,1-5, Jan./Feb.1976: “The Origin of Northern Light Part 2: Dénouement.” Writ., J. Whaley & G. Henderson. Let., M. Cherkas. 35 – 44.

Content story & Cover front (Northern Light):

Power Comics, 1-4, Nov.1977: “Northern Light: Conquermind.” Writ., Jim Waley. Let., Bill Payne: 3 – 30.


Orb Magazine, 1- 6, March/April 1976: “Cosmic Dancer.” Writ., Augustine Funnell. Let., Bill Payne: 4-13.


 Content essay & Cover front:

 The Canadian Forum, LXIII-737, March 1984: “Talking Tory”. Writ., Mark Abley: 7.



Content serial:

Orb Magazine, 1- 6, March/April 1976: “Gyk The Barbarian.” Co-writ., Matt Rust & John Sech. Pen., Paul McCusker. Let., Michael Cherkas. 26-33.



Content serial & Cover front, inker, Cris Ivy:

Amazing Spiderman: Hit And Run, 1-3, 1991. Occurs in Toronto. Writ., Dwayne McDuffie. In., Chris Ivy & Don Hudson. Let., Rick Parker. Col., Ed Lazellari: 1-30. “Produced under the direction of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police with the cooperation of a volunteer’s committee interested in the subject of bicycle and road safety. Supporters are Petro-Canada, Health and Welfare Canada and Canada Post who have distributed these books to every Police Force in Canada.”

Content serial & Cover front, inker, D. Day:

Amazing Spiderman: Chaos In Calgary, 1-4, 1992: Writ., Scott Lobell. In., Dan & David Day. Let., Dave Sharpe. Col., George Roussos: 1-30. “This book has been sponsored by Petro-Canada to support Right-Riders Bicycle and Road Safety Program in Canada, promote social skills and a positive lifestyle. Content has been provided by Health & Welfare Canada and distribution by Canada Post is through Canadian Police Forces. The co-operation of the staff of the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede is greatly appreciated.”


Content serial & Cover front, inker, Morton:

Amazing Spiderman: Dead Ball, 1-5, 1993. Occurs in Montréal. Writ., Adam Blaustein. In., Dan & David Day. Let., John Babcock. Col., George Roussos: 1-30. “This book 5th in a special series presented by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police has been sponsored by Petro-Canada to support the Right-Riders Bicycle and Road Safety Program. Special thanks go to the Montreal Expos Baseball Club for their cooperation. Content has been provided by Health & Welfare Canada. Distribution to Canadian Police Forces is by Canada Post….”

These periodicals are part of a 5 issue Canadian series. The other issues are: 1-1, 1990, Skating On Thin Ice. occurring in Winnipeg and 1-2, 1990, Double Trouble in Fredericton. The series was done in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and other participants. See each issue above. In addition to the American writers and artists, Canadians Todd McFarlane, Jim Craig and the Day Brothers contributed to the covers, while Craig pencilled issues 1-3 to 1-5, and the Day Brothers inked issues 1-4 & 1-5 The series was also issued in French. Marvel Comics then reprinted the first for issues of the series under reprint editor Glen Herdling who was also the editor of the last 2 issues of the original series. All of the issues of this reprint series were issued Feb. 1993. None of the Canadian Associations were acknowledged.

Content serial:

Master of Kung Fu, 1-51, Apr. 1977: “Brass & Blackness (A Death Move).” Writ., Doug Moench. In., Pablo Marcus. Let., D. Wohl. Col. D. Warfield.



Content story:

Potlatch presents The 1980 Comics Annual. Ed., Ian Carr. Potlatch Publications, 1979: “Dust Bowl Sanction.” In. & Let., Bill Payne: 69-80.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\C\CRAIG Jim, Orb, 6, Mar, Apr, 1976.jpgOrb, 1-6, March/April 1976: Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\C\CRAIG Jim, Jr Jays Magazine, Winter 1995, fc.jpgJr. Jays Magazine, Winter 1995, Front cover.