He was born July 1959 in Toronto, Ontario.

The work of this National Post editorial cartoonist, who has been with this newspaper since its inception in 1998, has also appeared in the Globe & Mail, The Financial Post, New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Time, The Guardian and the National (Abu Dhabi).He has illustrated several children’s books including The Great Poochini, a Governor General’s Literary Award winner (1999) and Just Stay Put, a Governor General’s Award nominee (1996). He has also illustrated Stories from Adam and Eve to Ezekiel written by Celia Barker Lottridge. He has won four National Magazine Awards, awards from the advertising and Design Club of Canada, Applied Arts Magazine, American Illustration, and the American Society of Newspaper Design. He also paints and draws.



Content editorial cartoon:

Caricature . Cartoons Canada. Ed., Terry Mosher. Linda Leith Publishing, 2012: 54.

Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Jay Stone Macmillan of Canada, …
15, 1999. 16, 2000. 17, 2001.

Portfoolio 18: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Scott Feschuk. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 2002.

Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed. & Writ., Guy Badeaux . McArthur & Co. …
19, 2003. 20, 2004. 21, 2005.
Portfoolio …: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., & Writ., Warren Clements. McArthur & Co. ….
22: 2006. 23: 2009. 24: 2010. 25: 2011.



Content lyrics & Cover book & dust jacket front & back:

The Hockey Song. Writ., Stompin’ Tom Connors. Greystone Books Ltd., 2016

Content story text & Cover book & dust jacket front & back :

My Winter City, Writ., James Gladstone. Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press, 2019.

Content story text & Cover dust jacket front:

A Coyote Solstice Tale. Writ. Thomas King. Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press, 2009.



Content essay:

Canadian Living, …:
… January 1989: “Patrol your basement with Aqualarm”: Writ., Veronica Coyne: 123.

…October 1989: “Time for a career change”. Writ., unidentified: 17.                                         “Be a lobbyist”. Writ., unidentified.                                                                                   “Make Mr. Pumpkin”. Writ., unidentified

… November 1989: “Career Beat”. Writ., various: 69, 70, 71.

… May 1990: “A parcel could be your ticket to ride”. Writ., Susan Thorne: 145.

Saturday Night, 114-4, May 1999: “The Joy of No Sex”. Writ., Mordecai Richler: 47.

This Magazine, December 1988: “True Confessions Transformed On Writing Our Emotions”. Writ., Libby Scheier: 31.


 Content essay: 

Globe & Mail …:  “…”. …: ….
…, 9 October 2004: “Prime time for a reality check”. Writ., Gayle MacDonald: R1.

…, 27 November 2004: “Does the CBC know what its doing?” Writ., John Allemang: R1.



Saturday Night, 115-4, May 20, 2000. “Sketchbook”: 39.


Article book:

Portfoolio 15: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons.1999: “Gary Clement”: 145.

Portfoolio 25: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. 2011: “Gary Clement”: 159.

A Coyote Solstice Tale. 2009: Dust Jacket.


“Gary Clement.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia1, 14 Sept. 2014. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.


A newspaper with a glass of orange juice Description automatically generatedCanadian Living, January 1989: 123.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\C\CLEMENT GARY, Portfoolio 23 9National Post), fc. .jpgPortfoolio 23, 2009: Front cover (from National Post).