CLAY Charles

CLAY Charles

Born in 25 July 1906 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

In his youth he worked as a farmer, railway section hand and hotel cook. From 1925 to 1929, he taught in an aboriginal community school in northern Manitoba and was made a Fellow of the Canadian Geographical Society and American Geographical Society for his research among the Swampy Cree. From 1929 he worked as a journalist, editorial writer, book review editor becoming a freelance writer and public relations council. In 1935, he graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

He wrote, Swampy Cree Legends (1938), Young Voyageur (1938), Fur Trade Apprentice (1940) So You Want A War Job, (1942) and Phantom Fur Thieves (1944). For a review of Swampy Cree Legends, see BOOKS YOU’LL LIKE.

Unable to join the Royal Canadian Air Force, he free lanced war topics and wrote a syndicated column “Listening Post”. He was the secretary of the Canadian Author’s Association, and editor of the Canadian Author 1942-1946, Executive Secretary of the Canadian Writer’s Foundation, and Director of the Canadian Research and Editorial Institute. He was also member of the Canada Club, the Canadian Historical Society, the Canadian Political Science Association and the Institute Canada Français.

From 1952-1956, He produced a radio program Teen-age Book Parade designed to stimulate reading among teens.

Some of his Swampy Cree legends were adapted for use in Canadian Heroes. The historical fiction story “The Secret Of The Dungeon.” seems to be the only story he wrote for this periodical.




Content story text:

Canadian Heroes, 2-6, Oct. 1943: “How The Frog Got Hind Legs.” Adaptor & Illus., George M. Rae: 43-46. Adapted from a story in Swampy Cree Legends gathered and translated by Charles Clay.

Canadian Heroes …: “The Secret Of The Dungeon.” Illus., J. Hillenbrand.
5-3, June 1945: 9-11: “Ch. 1-2”.

5-4, July 1945: “Ch. 3-4”: 15-17.

5-5, Sept.: “Ch. 5-6”: 45-47.


Article periodical:

Canadian Heroes, 5-3, June 1945:11. “Charles Clay.” One of the very few if not only information items given about a contributor to Canadian Heroes


“Clay Charles.” A Biographical Dictionary of the Twentieth Century, Accessed 27 March, 2017.