The Canada Jack Club was an unusual invention. In the comic book it was a group of youngsters who assisted “Canada Jack” in his wartime efforts. It was also a club the readers of Canadian Heroes could join and receive a membership card, badge and secret code. But the club went beyond that. It also gave out Honour Certificates to those members who engaged in citizenship efforts. These individuals who submitted their activities were also featured in the Canadian Heroes. Also a “Fellow Members” page appeared in Canadian Heroes in which drawings of members plus their names and addresses were featured. Clearly this club went beyond the simple dictates of business. It was obviously part of Halperin’s objective to guide children to be good citizens through education and to create bonds among like minded individuals.

Canadian Heroes vol. 2, no. 3, July 1943 introduced us to “Canada Jack Club”.

Editorial . . .


“ On page 49 of this issue we announce the formation of a “Canada Jack Club” which will be open to every boy and girl reader of CANADIAN HEROES. The “Canada Jack Club” is not just another club where one attends meetings whenever one wishes, or where one may do whatever one wishes at one’s own convenience without regard to other people concerned. On the other hand the “Canada Jack Club” will have no regimentation or iron-handed discipline.

The “Canada Jack Club” is a voluntary means whereby young Canadian boys and girls, whether they belong to the Scouts or the Guides or the Junior Red Cross, or whether they live in isolated country areas where the child population is too small for such organized groups, it is for all young Canadians, no matter where they live, who want to get together and “do things” for the war effort.

YOU will decide what you want to do – have a circus and raise money for war savings certificates, collect salvage in your district, run errands for the Red Cross, pick up books and magazines for the armed forces, or whatever else YOU think you should do. If YOU want the aid or assistance of the Editors of CANADIAN HEROES you may fell free to write us whenever you wish – we will always be happy to hear from you and co-operate with you in your activities.

Get your friends together and join the “Canada Jack Club” today.”

Canadian Heroes, 2-3, July 1943:49. Inside front cover.

Each member got a membership card, badge and secret code book with which he or she could read secret coded messages in Canadian Heroes. Each member could share in club activities and were invited to send in accounts of services performed. If their service was selected for publication they were made an “Honour Member” and given a “Certificate of Merit”.


PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                            Published by Educational Projects Inc. Colour covers. Black & white interiors.



Canadian Heroes, 2-3, July 1943: “Editorial: Introduction of Canada Jack Club”: Inside front cover.


Canadian Heroes…: “…” No author identified: …
2-3, July 1943: “Now Every Boy And Girl Can Join The Canada Jack Club”: 49.

2-6, Oct. 1943:  “Have You joined the CANADA JACK CLUB yet?”: 17.

3-1, Nov./Dec. 1943: “Join the CANADA JACK CLUB now!”: 48.

3-3, Feb. 1944: “Join Now!”: 52.

3-4, March 1944: “Are YOU wearing the badge of the CANADA JACK CLUB?”: 50.

4-1, June 1944:  “Enroll now in the Canada Jack Club.”: 46.

4-2, July 1944: “Join The Canada Jack Club Now!’: 23.

5-4, July 1945: Join The Canada Jack Club and be eligible for an Honour Certificate.” 44.


Game & contest:

Canadian Heroes…: “…” No author identified: …
3-3, Feb. 1944: “Contest Winners”: 52.

3-5, April 1944: “A new GAME CONTEST in CODE”: 42.

3-6, May 1944: “Your YKHKQNEJC Contest in Code”: 16.

4-1, June 1944: “Contest Winners”: 44.

4-1, June 1944: “It’s Fun It”s Easy Win A Prize”: 46.

4-2, July 1944: “Code Contest Key No. 8”: 23.

4-6, Jan. 1945: “Your New Contest”: 40.

5-1, Feb. 1945: “The Winner of the Funniest Animal Contest is Alex Otten, Kingston. Ont.: 56.

5-3, June 1945: “The winner of the ‘Articles In The Picture’ contest is Jack Miller, St. John N.B: 61.

5-4, July 1945: “The winner of the ‘Name This Animal Contest’ George Franks, Toronto: 45.

Honour Roll: 

Canadian Heroes…: “…” No author identified: …
2-6, Oct. 1943: “True Stories Of Our Honour Members.”:16.

3-1, Nov./Dec. 1943: “True Stories Of Our Honour Members: Eric MacDonald, Hull Quebec.” 47.

3-3, Feb. 1944: Our Honour Roll, Julia Christie: 51.

3-4, March 1944: “Our Honour Member for this month is Norman Browne Montreal Quebec.” 49.

3-5, April 1944: “Our Honour Member for this month is Winston Kent, Simcoe Ontario”: 41.

3-6, May 1944: “This Month’s Honour Member is Harold Crawford Roslin Ontario.”14.

4-2, July 1944: “This Month’s Honour Member is Bernice Brown, Verdun Quebec.”: 22.

4-6, Jan. 1945: “Honour Member: Joyce Lambert, Collingwood Ontario”: 39.

5-1, Feb. 1945: “Honour Member: “Chuck Flader, Vancouver B.C”: 55.

5-3, June 1945: “Honour Member: Buddy Craig, Leaside Ontario”: 61.

5-5, Sept. 1945: “This Month’s Honour Member: Lauchie Cameron, Dartmouth, N.S.”: 60.

Other Members: 

Canadian Heroes…: “…” No author identified: …
4-1, June 1944 “Meet Some More Of Our Active Members”: 45.

4-2, July 1944: “Fellow Members of the Canada Jack Club”: 24.



Canadian Heroes …: “Fellow Members.” No author identified: …:
3-6, May 1944: “…”: 15.

4-6, January 1945: “…”: 38.

5-1, February 1945: “…”: 54.

5-3, June 1945: “…”: 62.

5-4, July 1945: “…”: 43.

5-5, September 1945: “…”:

60-61. Photos of the members

rather than drawings appear.


Periodical graphic:

Canadian Heroes, 2-3, July 1943:Inside front cover..


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CANADA JACK CLUB, Canadian Heroes, 3-1, Nov,Dec 1943, 47.jpg Canadian Heroes, 3-1, Nov./Dec. 1943: 47.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CANADA JACK CLUB 4, Canadian Heroes, 4-2, July 1944, 22.jpg Canadian Heroes, 4-2, July 1944: 22.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CANADA JACK CLUB 2, Canadian Heroes 4-6.jpg Canadian Heroes, 4-6, January 1945: 39.

CANADA JACK CLUB 3 Canadian Heroes, 5-3, June 1945:62.