This award was apparently begun in the year following Duncan Macpherson’s death 23 April 1993. It was intended to be an annual award honouring an outstanding budding editorial cartoonist. There was a $500 prize, an engraved statuette, and an expenses paid trip to the presentation at the Association of Canadian Editorial Cartoonists, (ACEC) convention. Photocopies of art work submissions were to be sent to A. Blaine, Award and Jury Chairman, P.O. Box 766, Station “A” Cannon St. E. Hamilton, Ontario. Apparently the award was initiated by Blaine.
It was sponsored by the ACEC, the Southam, Thomson and Sun news organizations. A year later it was sponsored by the ACEC, The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun and Southam.
Rick Capella of Nelson B.C. won the first award in 1994.
Stan Roach of Montréal won the second award in 1995.
There appear to have been no further awards given.
Book graphic:
Portfoolio 11: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Ken MacQueen. Macmillan of Canada, 1995: 5.
Portfoolio 12: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Ken MacQueen. Macmillan of Canada, 1996: 5.
An email from Wes Tyrell, President of the Association of Canadian Cartoonists, 8 Aug. 2016.