McLEOD Squadron Leader Carroll. & RICKARD Flying Officer H. “Ricky”
Here is another wartime writer–illustrator team from the services this time the Royal Canadian Air Force. . Squadron Leader Carroll McLeod writer and Pilot Officer H. Rickard created this spoof on the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan implemented to train aircrew for World War 2.
A page long story “Ferry Christmas” was also written by S/L McLeod and illustrated by F/O Rickard. It appeared in the R.C.A.F. in house magazine Wings, December 1943.
Content poetry & panel cartoon & Cover book front:
Dat H’ampire H’air Train Plan: The Story of Joe’s Career In The R.C.A.F. Writ., Carroll McLeod. Illus., Hugh Heaton Printing House ltd. No date. This book was published three times. The first edition (above) printed in 1943, second edition 1944, and the third edition printed by Gatlord Co. Ltd. 1963.
The information about “Ferry Christmas” came from a note inserted in Dat H’ampire H’air Train Plan, No date.
Dat H’ampire H’air Train Plan. 1963: Front cover.