This comic strip created by James Winslow Mortimer and syndicated by the Toronto Star Syndicate ran for eight years from November 14 1960 to October 12 1968 in as many as 60 newspapers.
Mortimer left “David Crane”, the previous strip he had created to launch “Larry Brannon”. Actually the idea had come to Mortimer before he started working on “David Crane”.
“Larry Brannon” was a twenty-eight year old trouble shooter for a mining company a “dynamic young Canadian in a dynamic Canadian environment.”
Article periodical:
inks: Cartoon & Comic Arts Studies, 4-2, May 1997: “An Introduction to the Canadian Newspaper Comic.” Writ., Kenneth Barker:18-25.
Maclean’s, 28 Jan.1961: “The small but lively propaganda war of comic strips”: 54.
Article newspaper:
Expositor [Brantford], 10 Nov.1960: “Adventurer ‘Larry Brannon’ Is Brainchild of Hamiltonian.”.
Hamilton Spectator, circa. 1960: “Ex-Hamilton Artist To Draw Spec Strip.”.
Expositor [Brantford], 16 January 1961: 19.
Toronto Daily Star, 28 February 1961: 35.
Expositor [Brantford], 9 August 1962
Expositor [Brantford], 25 November 1963: 23.
Expositor [Brantford], 25 November 1963: 21.
Expositor [Brantford], 29 July 1968: 21.