The counterculture humour magazine Fuddle Duddle, was published in Ottawa by Jeffrey R. Darcey (JRD Publishing) from 1971 to 1972. The magazine’s name derived from a euphemism that Prime Minister Trudeau said he used in the House of Commons. Not the explicative the opposition accused him of using.
Darcy assembled for his magazine a group of young creators: Mark Lloyd, Dave Morris, Peter Evans and Stan Berneche. Evans and Berneche who had been friends in university were the leading team and it was they who created this “Captain Canada”.
Article booklet:
Guardians of the North: The National Superhero in Canadian Comic-Book Art, Ottawa, National Archives of Canada, 1992: “Another Captain Canada”, Writ., John Bell,. 37 – 39. A catalogue for the exhibit of the same name.
Email from James Waley.