This weekly cartoon strip was created by Steven Toth and appeared in the Hamilton Spectator’s NOW section from about 1989 to 2 February 1994. It centered around two families and the Hamilton community.


A cartoon of a person
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator,17 March 1989.

A comic strip of a person
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator, 10 January 1990.

A comic strip of a person and a child
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator, 19 October 1990.

A comic strip of a person talking on a phone
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator, 26 July 1991.

A comic strip of a person and a tree
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator, 7 October 1992.

A cartoon of a child and child
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator, 10 November 1993.

A cartoon of a group of people
Description automatically generatedHamilton Spectator, 2 February 1994.