A cartoon strip created by Richard Taylor for The Worker (Toronto) a weekly newspaper published by the Communist Party of Canada. It appeared circa 1935.

David Rosen described Dad Plugg as: “… a mustachioed old gent who delighted in letting the air out of political windbags and fat bosses.”


Essay unpublished:

“Drawing The Line: Radical Cartoonists of the Thirties.” Writ., David Rosen. This was a sample chapter for a proposed book on cartoonists who worked partially or completely for alternative publications.



C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAD PLUGG, R Taylor, The Worker, Drawing The Line, 8_0001.jpgThe Worker. “Drawing the Line”: 8.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAD PLUGG, R Taylor, The Worker, Drawing The Line, 8_0002.jpgThe Worker. “Drawing the Line”: 8. St. James Street mentioned here was the financial distinct of Montréal.