This character gave instructions on how to recycle waste material to help the war effort. After the war, like so many others, it had to find a new purpose. Was it to get out and live the “good life” by spending? Should the war effort change to efforts to stimulate the economy?
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY: Published by Educational Projects Inc.
Content serial information:
Canadian Heroes…: “Bert Beaver Goes To War: Salvage.” Writ., Leison. Illus., Herschel. | |
“No. 1, Rubber.” 1-6, Apr. 1943: 9-10.
“No. 4, Metal.” 2-6, Oct. 1943: 31-32. |
“No. 5, Glass.” 3-4, March 1944: 15-16. |
Canadian Heroes …: “Bert Beaver In The Post War …” …. Illus., Herschel: … |
5-1, February 1945: “… No. 1”. Writ., Waldo. …: 12-13.
5-3, June 1945: “…No. 3”. Writ., Ele (?). …: 46-47. 5-4, July 1945: “…”. Writ., Ele (?). … 49-50. |
Canadian Heroes, 3-4, March 1944: 15.
Canadian Heroes, 5-1, Feb. 1945: 12-13. Notice the promotion on how to use War Savings Bonds.
Canadian Heroes, 5-3, June 1945: 46-47. This episode more or less sums up the “Bert Beaver Goes To War.” episodes.