“The Pitiful Human-Lizard” was created by Jason Loo who first self published. Later it was picked up by Chapterhouse Comics.


PERIODICAL GRAPHIC:                                                                                                   



Pitiful Human-Lizard,….: “…” Cartoonist, Jason Loo. Chapterhouse Comics Group.
1, Sept. 2015.

2, Oct. 2015.

4, Dec. 2015: “The Lizard & The Rat Go To                                         Market.”

6, Feb. 2016: “Mom, Me, and Merfolk Mayhem.”

7, Apr. 2016: “Away From Home.”

9, Aug. 2016: “School Talk.”


Pitiful Human-Lizard, 8, June. 2016: “The Gull Croaks Before Lunch Break.” Writ., Fred Kennedy.  Illus., Jason Loo.

Pitiful Human-Lizard,….: “…” Cartoonist, Jason Loo.  Colour assist, Meaghan Carter.
10, Oct. 2016: “All-New.”

11, Dec. 2016: “A Wondrous Tale.”

12, Apr., 2017: “Back In The Day.”.

13, May 2017: “Streetcar Confessions.”

14, June 2017: “Johnny’s Back.”.

3-4, July 2017: “Mom’s Birthday.”

3-5, Aug. 2017: “Paladins In Peril Pt.1.”

3-6, Sept. 2017: “Paladins In Peril Pt. 2.”


Pitiful Human-Lizard,….: “…” Cartoonist, Jason Loo. Loo Harvest Group
2, Oct. 2015.

3, Feb. 2015: “Crazy Sunday.”

4, Dec. 2015: “The Lizard & The Rat Go To Market.”

5, Aug. 2015: “All Together Now.”


Chapter House Summer Special 2016,  July 2016: “Captain Canuck/Pitiful Human-Lizard: Art of Gold.” Writ., Jason Loo & Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Jason Loo. Col. Assist., Rachel Richey & Meaghan Carter.

Cover front & back:

Pitiful Human-Lizard, 2, no date. Illus., Jason Loo. Loo Harvest Group.

Pitiful Human-Lizard, 1, Sept. 2015: “Honest Ed’s”. Illus., Jason Loo. Chapterhouse Comics Group. 

Cover front: 

Pitiful Human-Lizard…: Illus., Jason Loo. Chapterhouse Comics….
2,  Oct. 2015.

4, Dec. 2015.

6, Feb. 2016.

7, Apr. 2016. “Cover A”.


8, June. 2016. “Cover A”.

9, Aug. 2016 “Cover A”

10,”Cover A, Robarts Library”.

11, Dec. 2016. “Cover A”.

12, Apr., 2017.

13, May 2017.

14, June 2017.

3-4, July 2017: “Cover A”

3-5, Aug. 2017:  “Cover A”

3-6, Sept. 2017: “Cover A”


Pitiful Human-Lizard…: Illus., Jason Loo. Loo Harvest Group.
3, Feb. 2015. “Silver Snail”. 4, May 2015. 5, Aug. 2015.



C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON P\PITIFULHUMAN LIZARD, Pitifual Human Lizard, 3, Feb 2015, fc.jpgThe Pitiful Human Lizard, 3, Feb. 2015: Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON P\PITIFUL HUMAN LIZARD Christmas 2015 Capt Canuck Facebook.jpgCaptain Canuck Facebook, Christmas 2015: “Pitiful Human Lizard”. Car. Jason Loo.