OWENS Mickey
This cartoonist worked for Bell Features Publishing Co.
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY: All published by Bell Features & Publishing.
Content panel joke: All black and white.
Active Comics, 6, no date: “…”:… | |
“No! No! Miss Brent ….”: 12. | “They would transfer me to a park ….”: Inside front cover. |
Active Comics, 7, no date: “This is a heck of a time for a bugler to get a tooth ache”: Inside back cover.
Active Comics, 8, no date: “…”: … |
“Aw c’on Butch. Pick it open for me. I forgot my key”: 16.
“C’mon you big lug, stick your tongue out. There’s only a few more war savings stamps for you to lick! You want us to win the war don’t you?” [To dog]: 38. “I don’t care how nice it looks with your medals. Take off that Canadian war savings stamp!!”: Inside front cover. “No he’s not in the act. He’s just the night cleaner. He wants to get home early”:11. “They must be the shock troops we’ve been reading about” : 28. “This is a heck of a time to sound the Air Raid Alarm”: 64 |
Active Comics, 9, no date: “Oh quit showing off …”: Inside front cover.
Active Comics, 10, no date: “It’s from your wife …..”: Inside front cover.
Active Comics, 12, no date: “Calling Car 64! Calling Car 64! ….”: 47.
Active Comics, 17, no date: “Don’t mind me officer ….”: 41.
Dime Comics, 13, no date: Joke Panel.
Dizzy Don , 3, no date: Joke Panel.
Joke Comics, 23, no date: Joke Panel.
Triumph Comics, 12, no date: Joke Panel.