“I never intended to create a portrait of Québec through Onésime. But that’s what happened, little by little. Of course I tried to make Onésime typical of his place and time. I named him after one of my uncles who really was called Onésime. … I borrowed many of his expressions from friends and relatives. … I really wanted to record specific expressions and a way of talking that you hardly hear anymore.” Albert Chartier. Drawn & Quarterly v. 5: August 2003: 119.
In 1943 Albert Chartier created “Onésime” for Bulletin des Agriculteurs. It recounted the adventures and misadventures of a middle aged Québecois.
Content cartoon strip & Cover book front:
Les aventures d’un Québécois typiique ONÉSIME: Trentiéme anniversaire d’un bon vieux comic de chez nous. Car., Albert Chartier. Les Editions L’Aurore Inc., 1974.
Onésime: Les meilleures pages. Car., Albert Chartier. Le Bulletin des agriculteurs/les Éditions Les 400 coups, 2011.
Article book:
BDQ: Essays & Interviews On Quebec Comics. Ed., Andy Brown. BDang/Conundrum, 2017: “Onésime: Snapshots of a Changing Quebec.” Writ., Michel Viau. Trans., Helge Dasche: 26-32. First appeared in. Onésime Les meilleures pages, 2011.
Drawn & Quarterly v. 5: August 2003: “Albert Chartier: A Retrospective On The Life and Work Of A Pioneer Quebecois Cartoonist”: 120-167.
Les aventures d’un Québécois typiique ONÉSIME, 1974: Illus., Albert Chartier from front cover.