This character which appeared in early 3 Aces Comics was created by Jack Calder under the pseudonym Jay McKellar. It is likely he wrote it as well but given the early date of the publication and the competence of the work it is reasonable to assume that the illustrator was Les Gilpin who was also Calder’s partner on “Sooper Dooper”.

“Duncan McLean” was s introduced as a partner in “Adventure in Cyrenecia” 3 Aces Comics, 1-8, September 1942, but this partnership was short lived. Between issues 1-9 and 2-1 “Michael Lee British Secret Service” was replaced by Fawcett Publications characters “Bulletman and Bulletgirl”.


PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                          Published by Anglo-American Publishing.

Cover front:

Three Aces, 1-2, January/February 1942: Illus., unidentified..

Content serial:

3 Aces Comics…: “Michael Lee …” Contributor, Jay McKellar. Black & white.
1-2, January/February 1942: “… Foils An Invasion Attempt”: 1-18.

1-3, March 1942: “… Recovers plans stolen by Nazi Agents”: 4-22.

1-5, May 1942: “… and Dee Alden new assistant Smash Attempted Sabotage”: 3-22.

1-6, June 1942: “… Smashes A Saboteur.” 3-12.

1-8, September 1942: “… Adventure in Cyrenecia”: 2-11.

1-9, October 1942: “… ”: 2-11.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE COVER COMIC BOOK\THREE ACES, 1-8, Sept 1942, fc.jpg3 Aces Comics, 1-8, September 1942: Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON M\MICHAEL LEE, Three Aces, 1-2, J-F 1942 ,2.jpgThree Aces Comics, 1-8, September 1942: 2.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON M\MICHAEL LEE, Three Aces, 1-2, J-F 1942 _0003.jpgThree Aces Comics, 1-8, January/February 1942: Front cover.