MASSICOTTE Edmond-Joseph

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE OF PERSON\M\MASSICOTTE, E.-J. DCB, from A.N. du Q..jpg                                                                      Copied from a Dictionary of Canadian Biography photo taken from Bibliothèque at Archives Nationales du Québec.

Born 1 Decmeber 1875 in Sainte Cunégonde (Montréal)

He studied drawing and painting at college des Frères des écoles chrétiennes in Sainte Cunégonde. From 1892, to about 1895 he studied at the Conseil des arts et manufacture de la province de Québec and at the school of l’Association des arts de Montréal.

On 15 October 1892, his first published illustration appeared in the periodical Le Monde illustré. It illustrated “Le glaneur” a poem by his brother Édouard-Zotique. This was the start of a close collaboration between the two. Edmond-Joseph was illustrator for Le Monde illustré. From 1892 to 1902 while his brother was its editor.

His early work was influenced by the art nouveau movement. However, it appears the artists he most admired were not part of the art nouveau movement but rather were the fashionable graphic artists of his time: Americans Charles Dana Gibson, Charles Stanley Reinhart; Frenchmen, Gustave-Henri Marchetti, Jean-André Castaigne, Alfons Mucha, and fellow Montréaler Henri Julien. . The art nouveau phase of his illustrative work reached a climax in 1901 to 1902 in a series of title pages for Le Monde illustré. After this time, he appears to have attempted, in his illustration, a blend of art nouveau and the technical virtuosity and elegant subjects of the illustrators he admired. In this period he also showed an interest in traditional rural Québec.

He was a prolific illustrator. By 1900, it is estimated he had produced 1000 illustration and compositions for Montréal publications.

In 1909 he succeeded at Almanache du people, Henri Julien, who had died, he turned away from the art nouveau style and toward Julien’s style of traditional realism. For this magazine, he drew over 150 illustration by 1929 and had become the leading illustrator of traditional Québec life. The research for the illustrations was done by his brother Édouard-Zotique who was also a historian and folklorist. In 1923, twelve works mostly collected from Almanache du people, appeared in a series called Canadiens d’autrefois. Commentary was provided by such famous writers as Albert Ferland, poet; Lionel Groulx, historian, and Marius Barbeau the founder of Canadian anthropology..

Died 1 March 1929 in Montréal at age 53 years.

Twenty-four traditional scenes by Massicotte were reproduced by Librairie Beauchemin Ltée of Montréal in “Canada Français” a set of 25 post cards published circa 1950.





“Canada Français.”
La confirmation La grand demand La Sainte-Catherine La visite du jour de l’An



“Edmond-Joseph Massicotte.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 14 March 2018. Accessed 27 May 2018.

“Index of Canadian Illustrators.” . Accessed 27 May 2018.

“Massicotte, Edmond-Joseph.” Writ., David Karel. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 15.

University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003. Accessed 27 May 2018.