LUDCOM INC.                                                                                                                    Location: 464 rue St-Jean, Montréal. (1981 1984)                                                              5800 avenue Monkland, Montréal. (1988)

Contributor:                                                                                                                    Guy Badeaux, Christain, Claude Cloutier, Lucie Fanell, Pierre Fournier, Serge Gaboury, Michael Garneau, Réal Godbout, Jacques Hurtubise, Gabriel Morriessette, Sylvie Pilon, Prud’homme, Rémy Simard,

Character:                                                                                                                          Alys, Red Ketsup, Le Sombre Vilain, Xavier

In 1979, a group of creators, again Jacques Hurtubise was among them, with a grant from the Québec provincial government from Ludcom Inc. to publish the humour periodical Croc, which contained about 30-35% graphic and 65-70% text material. This magazine became a showcase for some of Québec’s most accomplished artists. Pierre Fournier and Réal Godbout created “Michel Risque” which according to Luc Pomerleau was”… One of the most accomplished sagas in Québec comics.” It included Serge GaboUry, Lucie Fanell, Michael Garneau, and Guy Badeaux, also a founder of Ludcom, who later became an editorial cartoonist of Le Droit in Ottawa, editor of Portfoolio, a yearly anthology of the best editorial cartoons in Canada and treasurer of the Association of Canadian Editorial Cartoonists.

In 1983, Ludcom launched a subsidiary Titanic Inc. to publish an all graphic periodical called Titanic. This magazine used many of the established artists from Croc, Fournier and Godbout introduced “Red Ketsup”, and it introduced many new talents. Impressive as the magazine was the small Québec market could not sustain it, a story repeated again and again in the Canadian cartoon periodical industry. Titanic lasted about a year.



Red Ketchup, l’agent fou du FBI: Kamarade Ultra. Writ., Pierre Fournier & Réal Godbout. Illus., Réal Godbout. 1er trimestre, 1988.


Portfoolio, The Year 85 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux & Alan King. Writ., Charles Gordon. 1985.

Portfoolio, The Year 86 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Charles Gordon. 1986.

Portfoolio, The Year 87 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . 1987.


faces à farces BERTHIO, Car., Roland Berthiaume, 1981.

Les aventures de Michel Risque: Le Savon Maléfique. Writ., Pierre Fournier & Réal Godbout. Illus., Réal Godbout. 4e trimestre, 1981

Les aventures de Michel Risque: Michel Risque En Vacances . Writ., Pierre Fournier & Réal Godbout. Illus., Réal Godbout. 4e trimestre, 1982.

Les aventures de Michel Risque: Cap Sur Poupoune. Writ., Pierre Fournier & Réal Godbout. Illus., Réal Godbout. 1er trimestre, 1984.

Gaboury … Croque Encore! Car., Serge Gaboury. 4e trimestre, 1983.

La Vie C’est Mourant. Car., Serge Gaboury. 2e trimestre, 1982.

Le Sombre Vilain: Mort Ou Vif. Car., Jacques Hurtubise (Zyx), 4e trimestre, 1981.


Titanic, Éditeur, Jacques Hurtubise.
1, Octobre 1983.

2, Novembre 1983.

3, Decembre 1983.

4, Janvier/Fevrier 1984.

5. Mars 1984.

6. Avril 1984.

7. Mai 1984.

8, Juin 1984.

9, Juillet 1984.

10, Septembre 1984.

11, Octobre 1984.

12, Novembre 1984.


Article book:

Bado, Ça va fumer, Croc, 1984.

Canuck Comics. Ed., John Bell. Matrix Books/Matrix Graphic Series. 1986: “Québec: A Short History.” Writ., Luc Pomerleau: 110.