Lacewood Productions based in Ottawa emerged from Hinton Animation Studios after differences between the latter’s co-founders, Kevin Gillis and Sheldon Wiseman, caused a breakup. Sheldon Wiseman, went on to found and become Chairman of Lacewood in 1986

Lacewood’s first productions were The Railway Dragon and its sequel The Birthday Dragon. It went on to produce for television the series Katie & Orbie, plus For Better Or For Worse specials.

It then launched animated feature The Nutcracker Prince, an 8.5 million dollar production. Not wanting a Christmas story, the producers had the original German story translated, got Patricia Watson to write the script and Paul Schibli (a Raccoons director) to direct it. For music it used a full Tchaikovsky score. The score was played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Boris Brott of the famous Hamilton musical family. Two original songs were added, one marked the singing debut of Megan Follows of Anne of Green Gables fame, the other was composed by Kevin Gillis and Jack Lenz of Toronto. The film was jeopardized when Telefilm withdrew its support but Warner Brothers stepped in and saved it. It was released in November 1990.

In 1997 the debt ridden Lacewood Productions was purchased by Paragon Entertainment Corp. In 2000 Paragon Entertainment folded due to debt. Its most of Lacewood’s library was acquired by Amberwood Entertainment



For Better or For Worse: The Family Album. Celebrity Home Entertainment Inc., 1994. CHE 3215. Part of the Just For Kids Home Video Series. Recorded from a 1992 animated feature based on Lynn Johnston’s cartoon characters, produced for television by Lacewood Productions Inc. and CTV Television Network.


Article newspaper:

Toronto Star, 11 Nov. 1990: “A Dream Come True: When Telefilm backed out, things looked bleak but a U.S. studio saved the day.” Writ., Sid Adilman..


“Lacewood Productions.” Accessed 24 Sept. 2016.