Jeff Waring, initially cartooned by Murray Karn then later by Jerry Lazare, was a dashing Amazonian adventurer who appeared in Wow Comics. In the first instalment, Jeff takes Kay, Prof. Allen’s lovely daughter, to be his faithful companion, and together they thwart the professor’s enemies and preserve the treasure of a lost city for the proper authorities. Over the course of the series, the stories revolved around a progression of animal aggressors, lost cities (gold, emerald and platinum) and harried native peoples.
The character survived the transition from black and white to colour and from Bell Features & Publishing Co. to F.E. Howard Publications, appearing in Super Duper Comics in 1947.
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY: Published by Bell Features & Publishing Co. unless otherwise noted.
Content serial:
Wow Comics … no date: “Jeff Waring…” Writ., Unidentified. Illus., Murray Karn:… Black & white. | |
9: “… King of the Amazon: On the Trail of Spies in the Jungle”: 17-29 | 10: “…”: 15-25.
13: “…”: 13-22. |
Wow Comics, … no date : “Jeff Waring.” Car., Gerald Lazare: …. Black & white. | |||||
19: 13-18. | 22:14-20. | 24:24-30. | 27: 32-38. | 28: 37-43. | 29: 27-33. |
Super Duper Comics, 3, May/June 1947: “Jeff Waring.” Writ., John Mason. Illus., Murray Karn: 35-40. F. E Howard Publications. Colour.
Cover front:
Wow Comics, 13, no date: Illus., Edmond Gould.
Article book:
The Great Canadian Comic Books. Writ., Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert & Alan Walker. Peter Martin Associates Ltd., 1971: 180, 218,
. “Murray Karn.” Writ., Hope Nicholson Researcher, Rachel Richey. Accessed 10 March 2013.
WOW Comics, 9: 17. Illus., Murray Karn.
WOW Comics, 10:22. Illus., Murray Karn.
WOW Comics, 22:15. Illus., Jerry Lazare.
WOW Comics, 13: Front cover. Illus., Edmond Good.
Super Duper Comics, 3, May/June 1947: 35-40. Illus., Murray Karn.