HICKS Faith Erin

HICKS Faith Erin

Born in Vancouver and now living in Halifax this cartoonist debuted with the webcomic Demonology 101 and followed it up with “The Adventures of Superhero Girl,” which appeared in True Patriot edited by J. Torres. She and Torres also partnered on a novel called Big Foot Boy. Her award winning graphic novels include The War at Ellesmere, Friends with Boys and Nothing Could Possibly Go Wrong. She has also worked on Brain Camp.




Content serial:

True Patriot: All New Canadian Comic Book Adventures. Ed., J. Torres. True Patriot Comics, 2013: “Superhero Girl vs. Canadian-ness”: 46-52.

True Patriot: Heroes Of The Great White North. Ed., J. Torres. True Patriot Comics, 2014: “Superhero Girl in ‘The Death of Kevin’.” Col., Noreen Rana: 25-30.



Content novel & Cover book front:

Bigfoot Boy Book 1: Into the Woods. Writ., J. Torres. Kids Can Press, 2012.

Bigfoot Boy Book 2: The Unkindness of Ravens. Writ., J. Torres. Kids Can Press, 2013.

Bigfoot Boy Book 3: The Sound of Thunder. Writ., J. Torres. Kids Can Press, 2014.


Article book:

True Patriot: All New Canadian Comic Book Adventures. Ed., J. Torres. True Patriot Comics, 2013: “About the Creators”: 104.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\H\HICKS Faith Erin, Bigfoot Boy 1, 2012, fc.jpgBigfoot Boy Book 1: Into the Woods. 2012: Front cover.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE BY CARTOONIST\H\HICKS Faith Erin, Bigfoot Boy 2, 2013, fc.jpgBigfoot Boy Book 2: The Unkindness of Ravens. 2013: Front cover.