In his early life he was in the military as a parachutist. In his later life he was part of a group that included Peter Harris, Don Hutchison, George Flie and others, who were students of North American popular culture.
In 1967, George opened the retail outlet “Memory Lane” on Markham Street just south of Bloor in what was called Mirvish Village. In 1968/1969 he opened a short lived cartoon gallery on Markham Street about 2 doors down and across the street from “Memory Lane”. He also organized Memory Lane Publications which published reprints and articles under the Vast Whizbang Organization moniker. He bridged the generations writing stories for James Waley’s Orb magazine and Ron Van Leeuwen’s Andromeda Publications.
Content story:
Andromeda 2-2, June 1978: “Shawn of the Ruins.” Lay., Gene Day. Pen., & In., Jim Beveridge. Let., Bill Payne: 21-29. Andromeda Publications. Black & white.
Orb Magazine…: “…” …. Orb Productions. Black & white unless otherwise noted. |
1-4, Nov./Dec. 1975: “Gothic Glitter.” Illus., Peter Hsu. Let., Mike Cherkas. 18-24.
1-5, Jan./Feb. 1976. “Man ‘O Dreams.” Illus. & Col., Don Marshall.. Let., M. Cherkas: 26-33. Colour. 1- 6, March/April 1976: “The Flame Of El-Hamman” Illus., Bill Payne: 50-57. “Woof Woof.” Illus., Matt Rust. Let., Michael Cherkas: 6-22. |
Content serial:
Orb … “…” Co-writ., James Waley. Illus., Jim Craig. Let., M. Cherkas: … Black & white. |
1-4, Nov./Dec.1975: “Northern Light: The Origin of Northern Light Pt 1: To You …Déjà vu”: 46-55.
1-5, Jan./Feb.1976: “The Origin of Northern Light Pt 2: Dénouement”: 35-44. |
Article periodical:
Orb Magazine 1-5, Jan./Feb. 1976: “George Henderson”: 34.
Taken from an interview with George Flie November 12, 2011 in Toronto.