In 1987, a 32 year old chartered accountant at Touche Ross & Co. was co-creator with Mike Cherkas and writer of “Silent Invasion”. He participated in partnership with Michael Cherkas and John van Bruggen. in the creation of “Suburban Nightmares”. He did other graphic stories as a hobby.
Content novel:
The Silent Invasion …. Co-creator & Illus., Michael Cherkas. N.B.M. Publishing Co….
…Book 1: Secret Affairs. May 1988.
…Book 2: Red Shadows. August 1988.
…Book 3: Tarnished Dreams. March 1989.
…Book 4: The Great Fear. July 1989.
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC: All published by Renegade Press unless otherwise noted.
Content serial:
The Silent Invasion…: “The Stubbinsville Connection…” Co-Creator, & Illus., Michael Cherkas. From plot idea by John Ellis Sech: … Black &white. |
1, April 1986 : “…part. 1, Atomic Spies!”: 1-23.
2, June 1986: “… part. 2, Secrets & Insidious Machinations!”: 1-20. 3, August 1986: “… part. 3, I Haven’t Been To Stubbinsville In A Long Long Time!”: 1-22. |
The Silent Invasion …: “…” Co-creator, & Illus., Michael Cherkas:… Black & white. |
4, October 1986: “A Pink Slip For A Pinko”: 1-21.
5, December 1986: “Identity Crisis”1-21. 6, August 1986: “The Final Battle: What We Really Know About Flying Saucers”: 1-21. |
The Silent Invasion. “Paradise Lost…” Co-creator, & Illus., Michael Cherkas:… Black & white. |
7, May 1987: “…Chapter 1, No Secrets Hare”: 1-22.
8, July 1987: “Chapter 2, The Rockhaven Conspiracy”: 1-22. 9, September 1987: “Chapter 3, “Tarnished Dreamers”: 1-24. |
The Silent Invasion. “The Great Fear…” Co-creator, & Illus., Michael Cherkas:… Black & white. |
10, November 1987: Chapter 1, “A Real And Ever Present Danger.”: 1-21.
11, January 1988: Chapter 2, “Forces Beyond Our Control.” 1-22. 12, March 1988: Chapter 3, “The Will Of The People.” 1-21. |
The Silent Invasion, 1, 1996 : “Atomic Spies!” Caliber Comics reprint.
The Silent Invasion, 2, June 1996 :“Secrets and Insidious Machinations.” Caliber Comics reprint.
Article periodical:
Amazing Heroes,148, Sept. 1, 1988: “UFI The Unidentified Flying Interview.” Interviewer, Wendi Lee: 20-29.
Article newspaper:
Toronto Sun, 11 Jan. 1987: “Fab Funnies.” Writ., Dan Proudfoot: C8.
Toronto Star, 27 Feb.1987: “Here’s your guide to superheroes of Canadian comics”: D6.