GANES PRODUCTIONS LTD. Location: Various. Owner/President: Orville Ganes.
It produced graphic educational booklets for various organizations, at least during the 1960’s. Orville Ganes was the company president.
It first appeared in the Toronto City Directory of 1962, and was located at 515 Jarvis Street. Then it was located at 464 Yonge Street, Toronto. According to some of its publications it was located at 50 Front Street in 1960 then 90 Harbour St. in 1961 and at 8 Market St. at an unknown date. In the 1969 TCD it was located at 410 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. In 1971 it was located at 166 Jameson Ave. Toronto. In 1973 it still existed but in 1974 it had disappeared from the T.C.D.
The booklets came in several sizes. The covers and contents were printed on pulp paper. The illustrations and production values were adequate. The illustration work was either done by one artist perhaps Orville himself or by a production line. Although a number of publications like Domtar Construction Materials How To Series do not credit Ganes with producing the booklets given the format it is likely Ganes had a hand in making them.
The most interesting aspects of this under-the-radar company are its longevity, about a decade and a half and the range of booklets it produced. It published booklets in both English and French for corporations, government and non-government organizations located in at least four provinces.
Interestingly enough, at least from 23, April 1966 to 22 October 1966 it published a full page coloured cartoon called “Canada” for the weekend comics supplements in newspapers.
The list of publications below can only be considered a sampling of what they did.
Size: Approx. 17cmwX 8cmh
The Safe Worker Is A Good Worker, Produced for Industrial Accident Prevention Associations by Ganes Productions Ltd. 90 Harbour St., Toronto, 1961.
(Size: 18cmwX 25cmh)
Fitness & Sports
Fitness Festival Labour Day C.N.E.: Choose Your Way To Fitness. Produced for the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1962.
Football Guide by ‘Bud’ Grant. Produced for British American Oil Co. Ltd.. of Canada Ltd. 1963.
Le Guide De Football B-A par ‘Bud’ Grant. Produced for British American Oil Co. Ltd.. of Canada Ltd., 1963..
Let’s Go Bowling. Produced for Double Diamond Bowling Supply Ltd., 1964.
Chex Sport Series/Série Sports Chex
Le Hockey par ‘Toe’ Blake. Produced for Ralston-Purina Co. of Canada Ltd. 1963.
‘Punch’ Imlach’s Hockey Tips. Likely produced for Ralston Purina Co. of Canada Ltd., probably 1963. No supporting information in the booklet..
For Future Generations: The National Parks of Canada. Produced for National Parks of Canada.
Across Canada with Red Cross Water Safety. Produced for the Canadian Red Cross Society, Toronto by Ganes Productions Ltd., 50 Front St. East. Toronto,1960.
Elmer’s Safety Firsts Win Again! Produced for Toronto Metropolitan Police Toronto by Ganes Productions Ltd., 8 Market St., Toronto no date.
Farm Machinery Safety Sense for Everyone. Produced for Manitoba Pool Elevators, Winnipeg by Ganes Productions Ltd. 50 Front St., East, Toronto, 1960.
Ride a Safe Bus. Produced for Skinner Bus Lines Charterways, 1968.
Safe and Sound! Produced for Saskatchewan Power Corp. Safety Department, Regina, by Ganes Productions Ltd., 515 Jarvis St. Toronto, 1962.
(Size: Approx: 13cmwX 18cmh.)
“It’s Best To Know … about alcohol.: Produced for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, Toronto,1961.
Man and chemical comforts … about drugs. Produced for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario Toronto, 1961.
Radiation and Man. Produced for the Department of National Health and Welfare, 1966.
The Smile of Health. Produced for the Red Cross, 1965.
Smoking and Cancer. Produced for the Canadian Cancer Society 1963.
The Wonder of Electricity. Produced for Ontario Hydro ,1967.
V.D. Toronto: Ganes Productions Ltd., 1964.
Moving With Care Everywhere. Produced for United Van Lines, 1965.
Save Lives! Produced for Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd./Canadian Red Cross Productions Ltd. 515 Jarvis St. Toronto, 1962.
What Is A Co-op: A Study In Democracy. Produced for the Co-operative Union of Canada, 1962.
Size: Approx, 13cmw X 9cmh)
A: How To Play Goal by John Bower. Produced for Coca-Cola. 1966.
B: How To Play Forward (Defensive) by David Keon. Produced for Coca-Cola.1966.
C: How To Play Defense by Jacques Laperriere. Produced for Coca-Cola 1966.
D: How To Play Forward (Offensive) by Henri Richard. Produced for Coca-Cola. 1966.
Produced for Industrial Accident Prevention Associations, 1961. Size: 17cmwX 8cmh
Produced for National Parks of Canada., n.d. Size: 18cmwX 25cmh
Produced for Coca-Cola, 1966. 13 cmw X 9 cmh
Produced for Coca-Cola by Ganes Productions Ltd., 1966. 13 cmw X 9 cmh
Produced for the Department of National Health and Welfare,1966. 13cmw X 18cmh