Characters:                                                                                                                        Aria Schafer, Darvin Deloren, Vessa Khavis Patricia Kusene, Fusella Mierter, General Scavinia Nelson, Jerran Russell, Zandarin Wilder.

Galaxion evolved out of an elementary school partnership between Tara Jenkins and Wendy Linkous. Wendy inspired by some character sketches by Tara drew what would become the Galaxion characters Fusella, Scavina, Vessa and Patty. Tara responded with Aria, who would become the principal protagonist, Zandarin, Darvin, Alex and Myri. All of these characters existed without a plot. Wendy’s involvement diminished over time and the involvement of others increased. Apparently it was David Tallan who suggested that the story be shifted from a textual to a graphic format, a transition reminiscent of Dave Darrigo and his creation “Wordsmith”. At this juncture the project fell more completely into Tara’s hands as she assumed its illustrative side as well.

Conceived as a novel, “Galaxion” tells the adventures of Aria Schafer and the crew of the spaceship Galaxion as they explore star systems. This is possible because the Galaxion has been outfitted with an experimental propulsive drive called hyperspace jump. The first ship to use it disappeared and the second returned badly damaged. Interestingly, the first story “Prologue” to appear in the market, although written later than issue 1, was about the second ship “Pathfinder” to use the hyperspace jump. This story revolves around General Scavina Nelson, Darvin Deloren and Zandarin Wilder. It appeared as a backup story in Thieves and Kings. The Special Edition 1, is again a separate story and involves Darvin Deloren, Fusella Mierter and Zandarin Wilder at the space academy they attended and establishes the relationships between them.



Content novella & Cover book front:

Galaxion The Graphic Novel v. 1. Car., Tara Jenkins/Tallan. Helikon Books, November 1998: Collects periodical issues 1 to 6.



Thieves & Kings, 16, March 1997: “Galaxion: Prologue”. Car., Tara Jenkins/Tallan. I Box Publishing. Black & white.

Galaxion …: Car., Tara Jenkins/Tallan: …. Helikon Comics. Black & white.
1, May 1997: “A Moment In Time”: 1-20.

2, July 1997: “First Contact”: 1-20.

3, Sept. 1997: “Before The Storm”: 1-21.

4, November 1997: “Choices”: 1-20.

5, January 1998: “Meanwhile…”: 1-20.

6, March 1998: “ Communication”: 1-24.

1, May 1998: Special Edition: “Spring Break”: 1-13. Contains a story not part of the main story line.


Article book:

Galaxion: The Graphic Novel v. 1. 1998: “Forward.” Writ., Wendy Linkous

Article periodical:

Galaxion, 1, May 1997: “Galactivity”. Writ’, Tara Jenkins/Tallan.

Galaxion, 1, May 1997: “Contact”. Writ’, Tara Jenkins/Tallan.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON G\GALAXION, Galaxion, 1, May 1997, fc_0001.jpg“Aria Schafer & “Zandarin Wilder”. Galaxion, 1, May 1997: Front cover: Illus., Tara Jenkins/Tallan.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON G\GALAXION, Galaxion, S1, May 1998, fc_.jpg “Fusella Mierter”, “Darvin Deloren” and “Zandarin Wilder”. Galaxion, Special Edition1, May 1998: Front cover: Illus., Tara Jenkins/Tallan.