In 1972 when she was pregnant her doctor asked Lynn Johnston to do some cartoons for his office. What followed were three books, David We’re Pregnant, Hi Mom! Hi Dad! and Do They Ever Grow Up?. This led to her Universal Press Syndicated comic strip, “For Better Or For Worse” which began 10 September 1979. It was based on her family’s daily routine and life experiences. It has appeared in more than 2000 newspapers in 160 countries and been translated into eight languages. Since 2010, the strip has been nearly all reprints from its early days.

“For Better Or For Worse was the first mainstream comic strip (1993) to introduce a homosexual character.


BOOK GRAPHIC COLLECTION:                                                                                  Cartoonist & illustrator Lynn Johnston unless otherwise noted.                                      All books published by Andrews & McMeel unless otherwise noted.

Content overview:

For Better Or For Worse: The Comic Art Of Lynn Johnston. Ed., Paula Sarson. Car., Lynn Johnston. Writ., Lynn Johnston, Katherine Hadway & Amber Landgraff. Goose Lane Editions/Art Gallery of Sudbury. 2015.

Content  edition anniversary & Cover book front:

A Look Inside For Better or For Worse: The 10th Anniversary Collection.1989.

It’s The Thought That Counts: Fifteenth Anniversary Collection. 1994.

Suddenly Silver: Celebrating 25 Years of For Better or For Worse. 2004.

Content Anniversary edition & Cover book & dust jacket front & back:

The Lives Behind The Lines: 20 Years of For Better or For Worse.1999.

Content annual & Cover book front:

Just One More Hug. 1984. Keep The Home Fries Burning. 1986. Starting From Scratch. 1995.

Content annual & Cover book front & back:

The Big 5-0. 2000.

Family Business. 2002

Growing Like a Weed. 1997.

Love Just Screws Up Everything. 1996.

Middle Age Spread. 1998.

Reality Check. Car., 2003.

Sunshine & Shadow. 1999.

With this Ring. 2003.

More Than a Month of Sundays.., 1983.

Our Sunday Best. . 1984.

Content annual & Cover book wraparound:

Graduation: A Time For Change.., 2001.

If This Is a Lecture, How Long Will It Be? 90.

I’ve Got the One-More-Washload Blues. ‘81.

Is This “One Of Those Days Daddy?”. 1982.

“It Must Be Nice to Be Little”. 1983. It’s All Downhill From Here. 1987

The Last Straw. 1985

Pushing 40. 1988.

There Goes My Baby. 1993.

Things Are Looking Up. 1992.

What Me Pregnant? 1991.

Content edition special & Cover book front:

Remembering Farley. 1996.


Content cartoon & poetry & Cover dust jacket front & back:

So You’re Going To Be A Grandma! 2005. Poetry by Andie Parton.


For Better or For Worse: The Family Album. Celebrity Home Entertainment Inc., 1994. CHE 3215. Part of the Just For Kids Home Video Series. Recorded from a 1992 animated feature based on Lynn Johnston’s cartoon characters, produced for television by Lacewood Productions Inc. and CTV Television Network.



For Better Or For Worse: The Comic Art Of Lynn Johnston. Ed., Paula Sarson. Car., Lynn Johnston. Writ., Lynn Johnston, Katherine Hadway & Amber Landgraff. Goose Lane Editions/Art Gallery of Sudbury. 2015.

Article book:

A Look Inside For Better or For Worse: The 10th Anniversary Collection.1989 “A Look Inside For Better or For Worse.” Writ., Lynn Johnston

The Lives Behind The Lines: 20 Years of For Better or For Worse. 1999: “Lives Behind The Lines.” Writ., Lynn Johnston.

Suddenly Silver: Celebrating 25 Years of For Better or For Worse.2004.                                    “The Early Years.” Writ., Lynn Johnston: 3-6                                                                      “A Note From Lynn’s Husband Rodnston.”: 44.                                                                  “The Middle Years. Writ., Lynn Johnston: 87-91.                                                                “Growing Up With Ma – a Note from Lynn & Rod’s Daughter K. Johnston.”: 119.              “A Note From Lynn’s Brother-in-law, Ralph Johnston.”: 165.                                              “A Note From Lynn’s Sister-in-law, Beth Cruikshank.”: 180.                                                “The Later Years.” Writ., Lynn Johnston: 188-191.                                                              “A Window into Two Worlds – a Note from Lynn & Rod’s Son, A. Johnston: 246.


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