Created by Peter Hsu. The first three issues were published by Adventure Publications in the U.S. The fourth and final issue was published by Peter Hsu’s company Quadrant Publications.
Content serial & Cover front illustrator Peter Hsu:
Elfwarrior, 1. 1987: “Elfwarrior: Prologue, The Story So Far/Ch. 1, Darkos’ Domain.” Writ., Elias Stevens. Illus., Peter Hsu. Adventure Publications.
Elfwarrior, 2. Sept. 1987. “Elfwarrior: Ch. 2, Wizard’s Lair.” Writ., Dan Greenburg. Illus., Peter Hsu. Adventure Publications.
Elfwarrior, 3. April 1988: “Elfwarrior: Ch. 3, Betrayals In Blood.” Writ., Dan Greenburg. Pen., Franc Reyes. In., Peter Hsu. Adventure Publications.
Article periodical:
Elfwarrior, 1. 1987: “Editorial”: Inside front cover.
Elfwarrior, 3. April1988: “Quadrant Report.” Writ., Peter Hsu: Inside back cover..
Elfwarrior, 2, Sept. 1987: Front cover. Illus., Peter Hsu.