Donato’s 1980 Political Cartoons, 3.
“Like politicians, I have no politics of my own.” The Hecklers:235.
Born 1937 in Toronto (Scarborough).
In 1955, he graduated from Danforth Technical School and began working as a layout artist at Eaton’s. In 1959, he left Eaton’s to join a small art studio. A year later decided to freelance.
In 1961 he was hired by the Telegram [Toronto] as a graphic artist in the promotions department. In 1963, he worked on the redesign of the paper and transferred to the editorial department. In 1968, he became art director for one of the Telegram’s magazine inserts. Al Beaton staff cartoonist for the Telegram encouraged him to try cartooning. As a result Donato began filling in for Beaton when the latter was on holidays.
When the Telegram ceased operations Donato and several other members of the staff helped found the Toronto Sun. There he became art director and drew two cartoons a week. In 1974, Yardley Jones then resident cartoonist of the Toronto Sun moved to the Star [Montréal] and Donato became a full time cartoonist. He won a National Newspaper Award in 1976. In 1985/1986 he served as President of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists.
He took early retirement in 1997, but continued producing editorial cartoons as a freelancer.
As a hobby he paints landscapes and has done a number of limited edition prints.
Content editorial cartoon:
The Art of Political Cartooning in Canada/1980. Ed., Steve Bradley. For., Robert LaPalme. Virgo Press, Oct. 1980: 28, 32, 119, 150, 167, 170, 201.
Best Canadian Political Cartoons, 1983. Ed., N.M. Stahl. For., David Rosen. McClelland & Stewart Ltd. Sept. 1983: 33, 35, 86, 103, 195.
Best Canadian Political Cartoons, 1984. Ed., N.M. Stahl. For., Robert LaPalme. McClelland & Stewart Ltd. Sept. 1984: 11, 12, 45, 66, 86, 110, 119, 121, 155.
Caricature . Cartoons Canada. Ed., Terry Mosher. Linda Leith Publishing, 2012: 15, 45.
Portfoolio, The Year 85 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux & Alan King. Writ., Charles Gordon. Ludcom Inc. 1985.
Portfoolio, The Year 86 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Charles Gordon. Ludcom Inc. 1986.
Portfoolio, The Year 87 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Ludcom Inc. 1987.
1988 Portfoolio, The Year In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Charles Gordon. Eden Press. 1988.
Portfoolio: 1989 in Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Charles Gordon. Macmillan of Canada, 1989.
Portfoolio …: The Year in Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Charles Gordon. Macmillan of Canada, …. | |||
6: 1990. | 7: 1991. | 8: 1992. | 9: 1993. |
Portfoolio…: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Ken MacQueen Macmillan of Canada, …. | |
11: 1995. | 12: 1996. |
Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Jay Stone Macmillan of Canada, … | ||
13, 1997. | 15, 1999. | 16, 2000. |
Portfoolio 21, The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed. & Writ., Guy Badeaux . McArthur & Co, 2005.
Portfoolio …: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., & Writ., Warren Clements. McArthur & Co. …. | |||
22: 2006. | 23: 2009. | 24: 2010. | 25: 2011. |
Content editorial cartoon & Cover book front:
The Best Of Donato. Toronto Sun, 1974.
Donato’s Collection of Political Cartoons. Virgo Press, 1979.
Donato’s 1980 Political Cartoons. Toronto Sun, 1980..
Donato’s 1981 Political Cartoons. Toronto Sun, 1981..
From There To Here. Key Porter Books/Toronto Sun, 1983..
The Agony And The Exit. Grosvenor House Press Inc., 1984..
Chins And Needles. Key Porter books, 1986.
The Strife Of Brian. Key Porter books, 1987.
Gucci Blues. Key Porter books, 1988..
Son Of Meech. Key Porter books, 1990.
Duds ‘n Scuds. Key Porter books, 1991.
The Neverending Tory. Key Porter books, 1993.
Content essay & editorial cartoon:
The Little Book of Canadian Political Wisdom. Writ., Rick Broadhead. Key Porter Books Ltd., 2004.
Viva Chairman Pierre. Writ., Lubor J. Zink. Griffen Press Ltd. 1977.
Ed Bickert & Rob McConnell. Perf., E. Bicker & R. McConnell. Innovation Records, 1984. JC0009. LP.
No title, 1980, 32/100, 60cmhX45cmw.
No title, 1981, 61/101, 60cmhX45cmw.
No title, 1982, 41/100, 60cmhX45cmw.
Article book:
The Hecklers. Writ. & Ed.., Peter Desbarates & Terry Mosher. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1979: 185-186, 235.
Portfoolio, The Year 85 In Canadian Caricature.1985: “Andy Donato”: 201.
Portfoolio, The Year 86 In Canadian Caricature.1986: “Andy Donato”: 198
Portfoolio 22: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons, 2006: “Andy Donato”: 150.
“Andy Donato’s “average Canadian”. The Agony and the Exit, Back cover
A self portrait, Donato’s 1980 Political Cartoons, Front cover.
The Agony and the Exit, Front cover.