According to Ed Furness this character originated at Fawcett Publications but Anglo-American employee Amby Fish was the cartoonist throughout.

The character began in Three Aces issue1-5 as a wise cracking reporter with a jealous female reporter partner named Hep. They hunted out spies. In issue 1-8 Hep was replaced by a big clumsy cameraman Runt Rutch. By issue 2-1 February 1943 at least, Deadline Dick had become a costumed hero who used a serum to gain extraordinary physical powers. He had picked up a new partner costumed hero Doc Gordon. After issue 2-3 the character was dropped.


PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                            Published by Anglo-American Publishing.

Content serial:

Three Aces Comics…: “Deadline Dick, Crime Reporter.” Car., T.A. Fish: … Black & white.
1-5, May 1942: 47-62.

1-6, June 1942: 48-63.

1-8, September, 1942: 40-51.

1-9, October 1942: 52-63.

2-1, February 1943. 45-52.

2-2, March, 1943: 45-52

2-3, April, 1943: 45-52. Final appearance of “Deadline Dick.”



With Ed Furness, November 27, 1985.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DEADLINE DICK, 3 Aces Comics,  1-5, May 1942, 47.jpg 3 Aces Comics, 1-5, May 1942: 47.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DEADLINE DICK, Three Aces Comics, 2-3, April 1943, 51.jpgThree Aces Comics, 2-3, April 1943: 51