C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, chickaDEE, Sept 2004, 31.jpgThe evolution of “Daisy Dreamer” from Lynda Cooper to Gabriel Mossissette, chickaDEE, 26-7, Sept.2004: 31.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, ChickaDEE, Jan,Feb 2008, 29..jpg                                                                             The evolution continues, illus., Gabriel Morrissette, chickaDEE, Jan./Feb. 2008: 29.

The series was created at least as far back as 1983. Lynda Cooper was the first cartoonist or illustrator. It is unclear if there was a writer. She worked on it till September/October 1997, “Daisy Dreamer” was one of the longest running serials published in Chickadee (later called chickaDEE). After Lynda left, the serial continued under three writers at different times and one illustrator. These practitioners included the team of Mark Shainblum and Gabriel Morrissette who also created the Canadian hero “Northguard”. There was an earlier feature cartoon serial in Chickadee called “Archly and the Whizzz Kids”. “Daisy Dreamer” probably replaced it.


In “Daisy Dreamer” narrative was used as a vehicle to describe the characteristics of an animal. There was a tension between the two and as time passed there was a shift in emphasis. Under Lynda, each two page episode was essentially a description of different types of animals. In it “Daisy” became the animal whose features were described. At the end of the description she became herself again. She was characterized as a very young girl and was the only continuous character in the feature.

With the September/October 1997 issue Gabriel Morrissette took over the illustration duties. No writer is identified, In this period it was reduced to a one page episode. How “Daisy” changed into the various animals was changed. She became that creature by pretending she was that creature. “Daisy” remained a little girl and the only character.

Gabriel stayed with “Daisy” from 1997 to the end of the feature. Under his hand “Daisy” was slowly transformed from a little girl exploring nature to a quite sophisticated teenager. Furthermore her appearance became increasingly stylized. He provided the visual aspects of an increased number and diversity of characters. His layouts kept the feature interesting.

With the September 1999 issue Mark Shainblum is identified as the writer. At this point the emphasis shifted from a description of animals to more of a narrative where “Daisy” becomes a particular animal in order to use its characteristic to achieve some goal like a rescue, thwarting villains etc. The feature resumed its two page length. Mark introduced a new reason for “Daisy’s” ability to become an animal. She has a magic hat which when she twists it she is changed into the animal she desires. He introduced other characters. Ravi is the first. Others follow, “Daisy’s” dad, “Terry”, “Annie” and “Rex” “Daisy’s” dog. These eventually settle into “Ravi”, “Annie” and “Rex”. Mark also expanded the range of animals that “Daisy” turned into to include, mythical creatures like a dragon, a Scottish legendary creature the Kellie and animals appearing in petroglyphs.

Mark left the series with the March 2001 issue. Issue May 2001 identifies Phillip Moscovitch as the writer. He further emphasized the narrative aspect. In one episode he even introduced time travel. “Daisy” visited Greece and her friend “Kosta” had a magic watch which permitted time travel. As can be seen in the last story featured in the GALLERY below, the narrative element had slowly crowded out the animal description element until “Daisy Dreamer” became only a vehicle to propel a narrative.



Content serial

Chickadee…., “Daisy Dreamer. ….”Car., Lynda Cooper. Owl Communications. Colour.
08-9, Oct. 1986: “… Halloween Hoot”: 24-26.

08-10, Dec. 1986: “… Cheeky Chipmunk”: 24-25.

09-1, Jan. 1987: “… Pop Goes the Weasel”: 26-27.

09-3, Mar. 1987: “… Slow and Steady”: 24-25.

09-5, May 1987: “… Hot Diggety Dog”: 26-27.

09-6, Summer 1987: “… Swift as a shark”: 26-27.

09-9, Nov. 1987: “… Humming Along”: 24-25.

10-1, Jan. 1988: “… Koala Caper”: 24-25.

10-2, Feb. 1988: “… Crab Walk”: 26-27.

10-3, Mar. 1988: “… Leaping Lynx”: 26-27.

18-8, Oct. 1996: “… A Pig Tale”: 26-27.

18-10, Dec. 1996: “… Warmer for Winter”: 26-27.

19-1: Jan./Feb. 1997: What’s Hop-pening”: 26-27.

19-3, Apr. 1997: “… Jungle Feast”: 26-27.

19-5, Summer 1997: “… Mosquitoes Everywhere!”: 26-27.

ChickaDEE…., “Daisy Dreamer. ….” Writ., unidentified. Illus., Gabriel Morrissette. Col., Digital Chameleon. Batard Press Canada. Colour.
19-6, Sept./Oct. 1997: “… That’s Using Your Trunk!”: back cover.

20-1, Jan./Feb. 1998: “… Hooves on the Move!”: back cover.

20-6, Sept. 1998: “… Daisy pretends she’s a Canada Goose”: back cover.

20-7, Oct. 1998: “… Daisy pretends she’s a Snake”: back cover.

20-8, Nov. 1998: “… Daisy pretends she’s a Giraffe”: back cover.

20-9, Dec. 1998: “… Daisy pretends she’s a cat”: back cover.

21-1, Jan./Feb. 1999: “… Daisy pretends she is a Dragon”: back cover.

21-2, Mar. 1999: “… Dairy pretends she an earthworm”: 31

21-3, Apr. 1999: “… Daisy pretends she’s a cricket”: 31.

21-4, May 1999: “… Daisy pretends she’s an Owlet”: 31.

21-5, Summer 1999: “… pretends she’s a Skunk”: 31.

ChickaDEE…., “Daisy Dreamer…” Writ., Mark Shainblum. Illus., Gabriel Morrissette. Col., Digital Chameleon. Batard Press Canada. Colour.
21-6, Sept., 1999: “… An Elephant Never Forgets a Friend”: 28-29

21-7, Oct. 1999: “… A Gila Monster Saves the Day”: 30-31.

21-8, Nov. 1999: “… She Has Eyes Like a Hawk”: 30-31.

21-9, Dec. 1999: “… The Walrus’ big trip in Nunavut”: 30-31.

22-1, Jan./Feb. 2000: “… Look out there! It’s a Snowshoe Hare!”: 30-31.

22-2, Mar. 2000: “… Daisy Has A Real Dog Day!”: 30-31.

22-3, Apr. 2000: “… Daisy has some ferret fun!”: 30-31.

22-4, May 2000: “… Can a hippo hold its breath underwater?”: 30-31.

22-5, Summer 2000:2: “… Daisy the ostrich is built for speed!”: 30-31.

22-6, Sept. 2000: “… Daisy is a champion cheetah!”: 30-31.

22-7, Oct. 2000: “… Daisy the bat flies in the dark!”: 30-31.

22-8, Nov. 2000: “… Daisy the Panda is on the move!”: 30-31.

22-9, Dec. 2000: “… Daisy puts the writing on the wall!”: 30-31.

23-1, Jan./Feb. 2001: “… a polar bear builds a snowy shelter!”: 30-31.

23-2, Mar. 2001: “… Thoroughbred to the Rescue”: 30-31.

ChickaDEE, 23-3, Apr. 2001: “Daisy Dreamer: Daisy the pig rolls in mud”. Writ., Shawn Benjamin. Illus., Gabrielle Morrissette. Col., Digital Chameleon. Batard Press Canada. Colour.

ChickaDEE…., “Daisy Dreamer…” Writ., Phillip Moscovitch. Illus., Gabriel Morrissette. Col., Digital Chameleon. Batard Press Canada. Colour.
23-4, May 2001: “… Daisy splishes and splashes”: 30-31.

23-5, June 2001: “… Daisy gets Bugged!”: 30-31.

23-7, Sept. 2001: “… Underwater Adventure”: 31- 40.

23-7, Sept. 2001: “… Daisy paws through the trash”: 30-31.

23-8, Oct. 2001: “… Magical Mystery Tour in Scotland”: 30-31.

23-9, Nov. 2001: “… Daisy Goes To The Dogs”: 30-31.

23-10, Dec. 2001: “… A Mouse in the House”: 30-31.

25-6, Summer 2003: … in Do The Twist”: 35-40.

ChickaDEE…., “Daisy Dreamer…” Writ., Phillip Moscovitch. Illus., Gabriel Morrissette. Col., All Thumbs Creative – Peter Dawes. Batard Press Canada. Colour.
26-7, Sept. 2004: “… in Sneaky Snake”: 30-31.

27-4, May 2005: “… in The Disappearing Doggie”: 30-31.

27-7, Sept., 2005: “… in Shear Fun”: 30-31.

27-8, Oct. 2005: “… in Trick and Treat”: 30-31.

27-10, Dec. 2005: “… in Daisy Dragon”: 30-31.

28-1, Jan./Feb. 2006: “… in Outfoxed”: 30-31.

29-5, June 2007: “… in Whale Rescue”: 30-31.

29-7, Sept. 2007: “ … in Howling Help”: 28-29.

29-8, Oct. 2007: “… in Going Batty”: 28-29.

29-9, Nov. 2007: “… in Dolphin Daisy”: 28-29.

29-10, Dec. 2007: “… in Muskox Madness”: 29-29.

30-1, Jan./Feb. 2008: “… in Computer Bug”: 28-29.

30-2, Mar. 2008: “… in Tapir Tale”: 28-29.

30-3, Apr. 2008: “… in Kestrel Adventure”: 28-29.

30-4, May 2008: “…in Treasure Hunt”: 28-29.

36-1, Jan./Feb. 2014: “… in Hockey Hero”: 28-29


Content poster

ChickaDEE, 22-1, Jan./Feb. 2000: “Dream Big Daisy.” Illus., Gabrielle Morrissette: 18-19.


Article periodical:

For the earliest known year Lynda Cooper drew “Daisy Dreamer” see ChickaDEE, 26-7, Sept. 2004: 31.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, Chickadee, Summer 1997, 26.jpgChickadee, 19-5, Summer 1997: Illus., Lynda Cooper: 26.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, Chickadee, Summer 1997, 27.jpg Chickadee, 19-5, Summer 1997: Illus., Lynda Cooper:: 27.                                              The faded vertical line through the mosquito wings shows how Lynda extended her drawings from one page to the next

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, chickaDEE, Summer 1999, 31.jpgchickaDEE, 21-5, Summer 1999: Illus., Gabriel Morrissette: 31.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, chickaDEE, Dec 2000, 30.jpgchickaDEE, 22-9, Dec. 2000: Illus., Gabriel Morrissette.:30.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, chickaDEE, Dec 2000, 31.jpgchickaDEE, 22-9, Dec. 2000: Illus., Gabriel Morrissette:.31.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, chickaDEE, Jan,Feb 2014, 28.jpgchickaDEE, 36-1, Jan./Feb. 2014: Illus., Gabriel Morrissette: 28.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON D\DAISY DREAMER, chickaDEE, JanFeb 2014, 29.jpgchickaDEE, 36-1, Jan./Feb. 2014: Illus., Gabriel Morrissette:29.