CÔTÉ André-Phillip
Born 1955 in Québec.
In 1984, he created the cartoon strip “Baptiste”, and has since animated it. He worked for the humour magazine Safrir. He began as editorial cartoonist at Le Soleil in the summer of 1997. He draws le docteur Smog, an adventure cartoon for the French Publisher Casterman. His cartoons have appeared in Courrier international and Le Monde.
Content editorial cartoon:
Caricature . Cartoons Canada. Ed., Terry Mosher. Linda Leith Publishing, 2012: 22, 29.
Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux . Writ., Jay Stone. Macmillan of Canada, … | |||
14, 1998. | 15, 1999. | 16, 2000. | 17, 2001. |
Portfoolio 18: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Scott Feschuk. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 2002.
Portfoolio …. The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed. & Writ., Guy Badeaux . McArthur & Co. … | ||
19, 2003. | 20, 2004. | 21, 2005. |
Portfoolio …: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. Ed., & Writ., Warren Clements. McArthur & Co. …. | |||
22: 2006. | 23: 2009. | 24: 2010. | 25: 2011. |
Article book:
Portfoolio 14: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons.1998: “André Phillip Côté”: 144.
Portfoolio 25: The Year’s Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons. 2011: “André Phillip Côté”: 160.