“Commander Steel along with “Red Rover” and “Dr. Destine” first appeared in Anglo-American Publications Co. Ltd. Grand Slam Comics vol. 3, no. 10, September 1944. According to Ed Furness, he was created by Les Gilpin, but it seems the initial inspiration came from a story from a U.S. writing pool. Furness remembered that he was a pretty successful character. This memory is supported by the fact that “Commander Steel” was usually the first story in Grand Slam Comics, and usually appeared on the cover.
“Jack Steel of the American army was fatally wounded by a German shell at the battle of El Alamein but a strange little scientist took the dying soldier to his cave laboratory and gave him his amazing elixir of life Jack Steel then arose a new and powerful man with the strength of ten.” (Was Gilpin acknowledging a debt to “Captain Marvel” through a sly reference to Dr. Sivana? Certainly “Commander Steel” shows influences from “Captain Marvel”.) “…now playing a lone hand for the United Nations, unable to find the place of his birth or his true nationality Commander Steel fights for all nations of the earth.” It is interesting that like “Freelance”, “Commander Steel” has no past that links him to a place.
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY: Published by Anglo-American Publishing Co.
Content serial:
Grand Slam Comics …: “Commander Steel …”. Contributors unidentified: … Black and white. |
3-10, Sept.1944: “… The Ice Bombs Of Doom.”…: 1-16.
3-11, October 1944: “… Battles Death On The Alcan Highway”…: 3-16. 3-12, November 1944: “… in the Sinister Sargasso Sea”…: 3-16. 4-2, January 1945: “… Robombs Over China”…: 3-16. 4-3, February 1945: “… and the Synthetic Men”…: 3-16. 4-4, March 1945: “… in the Bering Straits”…: 19-27. 4-6: May 1945: “… The Fascist Fury”…: 3-16. 4-6 (actually 4-7), June 1945: “… with the I.P.S. (International Police Service”…: 3-16. |
Grand Slam/Three Aces Comics …: “Commander Steel of the International Police Force …” Contributors unidentified. Colour interiors. | |
IV-45, August 1945: “… The Strong Box Mystery”…: 23-32
IV-46, Sept.1946: “… Versus The Nazi Guerillas”…: 11-20 |
IV-48, November 1945: No story.
IV-49, December 1945: No story. IV-50, Jan. 1946: No story. |
Grand Slam…: “Commander Steel of the International Police Force…” Contributors unidentified: …. Colour interiors. |
V-51, February 1946: “… and the Lost Legion” …: 23-32.
V-53, June/July 1946: “… and the Stolen Navy”…: 2-15 5-54, August/September 1946: “… and the Oil Plotters” …: 2-15. 5-55, October November 1946: “… and the Atomic Doom”: …: 2-15. : “… in Horror Hollow.” 38-47. 5-56, December/January 1946: “… Borders Of Villainy” …: 19-28. |
Cover front:
Grand Slam Comics…. Illus., Unidentified. Two colour. | ||
3-10, Sept.1944
3-11, October 1944 3-12, November 1944 |
4-2, January 1945
4-3, February 1945. |
4-6: May 1945.
4-6 (actually 4-7), June 1945 |
Grand Slam Comics…. Illus., Unidentified. Full colour. | |
V-53, June/July 1946. | 5-54, August/September 1946. |
Ed Furness.
Grand Slam Comics, 4-6, May 1945: Front cover. “Commander Steel”
Grand Slam Comics, 4-6, May 1945: “Commander Steel: The Fascist Fury”: 3
Grand Slam/Three aces, IV-47, October 1945: Front cover. “Commander Steel”
Grand Slam Comics, 5-54: “Commander Steel and the Oil Plotters”: 14