The name “Canuck” has a long history. Back as far as the post Confederation period editorial cartoonists began using a “Jack Canuck” or “Johnny Canuck” as a personification of Canada, usually in opposition to United States’ “Brother Johnathon” or “Uncle Sam”. With the commencement of World War Two he was transformed from editorial icon to patriotic hero in the form of “Johnny Canuck”, Monty & Johnny and “Canada Jack”. Finally in the 1970’s he took on the mantle of superhero as “Captain Canuck”.

“Captain Canuck” is one of the longest lasting concepts of the Canadian graphic serial revival of the 1970’s and 1980’s. The “Captain’s’ longevity such as it is can be attributed to the determination and organizing skills of Richard Comely.

The concept was originally conceived in 1971 by Ron Leishman a Winnipeg artist. In 1972 he met Richard Comely also a Winnipeg artist and the two started developing it further.

In the summer of 1974, after some years of working on the idea. Richard and Ron came up with the character “Captain Canuck” who was the cover for Tom Evans. At first they were going to name the character “Captain Canada” but copyright  problems forced them to chose “Captain Canuck”. Ron Leishman designed the costume which was red and white like the Canadian flag and showed two Maple Leaves: one on the mask and one on the belt buckle. Later in the year Ron left for Alberta and the Arctic to work. Richard continued to work on the Captain Canuck concept.*

In July 1975, Captain Canuck issue 1 appeared. It was written and drawn by Richard  and was published under the company banner Comely Comix, 1854 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Both the script and the illustration work showed Comely’s inexperience in adventure cartoons.

Issues 2 and 3 were both copyrighted in 1975 but at least one must have been published in 1976. In issues 2 and 3 George Freeman appears as the illustrator of a backup story “Jonn” based on a character concept by Ron, but the story is written by Richard. Although Jean Claude St Aubin’s name did not appear in any of the issues, he had become part of the team at this time.

Between 1976 and 1979 no Captain Canuck magazines were published. In September 1976 Richard moved to Cardston Alberta accompanied by George and Jean Claude. There he operated a community weekly newspaper. After six months in Cardston the three of them moved to Calgary.

In 1979, “Captain Canuck” (“Tom Evans”) began his most active period. With new investors forming CKR Productions Ltd., 7003F 5th Street S.E., Calgary, Richard, George and Jean Claude produced issue 4 in July/August with all three involved in the main story and in a backup story explaining the origin of “Catman”, a character not related to the “Captain Canuck” stories. However, in issues 4, 5, and 6, Richard carried the main load of writing and illustrating. With issue 7, George took over illustrations and Jean Claude coloured. The Summer Special July/September 1980, paralleled issues 10 and 11.

“Captain Canuck” lived in the near future (1993) in relation to the date (1970’s) the magazine was being published. At the end issue 13, the creators shifted him to the then present day Canada (1970’s). In issue 14, March/April 1981 he began a new life in this present but it was cut short as issue 14 became the last published issue of Captain Canuck under CKR Productions which ceased publishing. George Freeman returned to Winnipeg. The writing and art work had been completed for issue 15 but it would not be published until 2004 when Richard published it independently.

Parallel to publishing the comic book Ron, George and Jean Claude were developing a comic strip version of “Captain Canuck”. On December 20 and 21, 1979, the first “Captain Canuck” comic strip “Captain Canuck: A Christmas Story” appeared in The Albertan Mirror North Side and The Albertan Mirror South Side.

In 1980, Richard, George and Jean Claude worked on three stories as promotion samples. The three are independent stories possessing no chronological order. That is they can be arranged in any sequence. “Power Play” had 4 pages composed of 18 sample days and a synopsis of the rest of the story. “City of Gold” was a six day story that did run in three newspapers. “Black Water” was a series of Sunday panels. Panel one appeared in the Captain Canuck Summer Special to promote the proposed strip.

In 1985, Richard moved to Cambridge, Ontario. He worked mostly on illustrating children’s books, greeting cards and did some advertising and film work for the next eight years.

In 1993, Richard resurrected “Captain Canuck” who was now “Darren Oak” under the title Captain Canuck Reborn through a new company Semple Comics which was an imprint of Comely Communications located at 725 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ontario. Richard named this imprint Semple Comics to honour a young man Paul Semple who was stabbed to death while attempting to help a woman and child being attacked by four thugs.* Richard did the writing and illustration himself. Along with a regular sized version of issue 0, he published a black and white mini-comic version for promotional purposes. Captain Canuck Reborn ended with issue 3 in 1996, which was composed of cartoon strips for newspaper distribution..

Starting on October 2, 1995 and lasting about 18 months into 1996, Comely launched a new “Captain Canuck” comic strip which appeared initially in 8 newspapers including, the Ottawa Citizen, the Sudbury Star, the Guelph Mercury, the Cambridge Reporter, the Northern Daily News (North Bay), the Sarnia Observer, and the Timmins Daily News : all in Ontario and the Brandon Sun in Manitoba. Apparently there was later one in P.E.I. There were not enough papers to make the project viable and so it was discontinued. The strips 128 to 344 composed issue 3 of Captain Canuck Reborn.

On October 2, 1995 Captain Canuck was commemorated by Canada Post with a postage stamp issue. Five other cartoon heroes created by Canadians were also commemorated: Fleur de Lys (partner of Northguard) by Mark Shainblum and Gabriel Morrisette, Johnny Canuck by Leo Bachle, Nelvana by Adrian Dingle and Superman conceived in part by Canadian Joe Shuster

In 1998 Mark Shainblum and Sandy Carruthers, under license, produced a mini-comic called the New Original Captain Canuck Ashcan Special no. 1. Although it is clear that other issues were planned, this was the only issue published.

As mentioned earlier, in 2004 Richard privately published issue 15 of the CKR Productions Ltd. series.

In October of 2004, the first issue of a three part series called Captain Canuck Unholy War appeared. This time the man behind “Captain Canuck” was “David Semple” – another tribute to the Paul Semple mentioned above. The “Captain Canuck” name was licensed from Richard by Riel Langlois and Drue Langlois. The company is Comely Comics and Rev Studios, 31 Winter Bay, Brandon, Manitoba. This series was completed and no new issues appeared. .

In September/October 2006, Richard brought the original Captain Canuck (Darren Oak) back to the newsstands with issue 1 of a four part series called Captain Canuck Legacy. It is interesting that an RCMP inspector called “Tom Evans” formerly the man behind the original “Captain Canuck” also appears in this issue. Also in this new Captain Canuck Legacy the Langlois’s “West Coast Captain Canuck” (as he is called here) makes an appearance in an episode. Richard wrote and penciled the story with inking by Ron Kasman. For this project Richard has returned to using his first company Comely Comix which of course is now located at 36 Pollack Ave. in Cambridge, Ontario. After the first issue no further comic books appeared.

Also, a new limited and signed edition of Captain Canuck Legacy was published for collectors. This edition is quite distinct. This is immediately apparent comparing the two covers which share no similarities. Inside the reader sees the pencil art stage before the inks and colour were added. What follows is a written breakdown of the story on which the panels are based. There is then a brief description of the sequential art process followed on the last page by photos of the real life models used for the characters.

* “Editorial”, Comely, Richard, Captain Canuck Unholy War, no. 1, October 2004: 26.




Content serial; Cover book front illus., George Freeman:

Captain Canuck, v. 1. Idea & Design Works Publishing, June 2009: Collects material from the Calgary period, issues 4 to 10 plus cartoon strip “Blackwater and sketches.

Captain Canuck, v. 2. Idea & Design Works Publishing, Dec. 2009: Collects material from the Calgary period, issues 11 to 14 plus First Summer Special and sketches.

Captain Canuck: Compendium 1975 – 1981. Chapter House Comics, July 2015: Collects the first 14 issues of the Captain Canuck.

Content serial & Cover book front illus., Kaare Andrews

Captain Canuck: Unholy War. Chapter House Comics, 2015: Collects the 4 issue series Captain Canuck: Unholy War


The Winnipeg Years: Published by Comely Comix, 1854 Portage Ave. , Winnipeg, Manitoba

Content serial & Cover front illus., Richard Comely:

Captain Canuck …”…” ….
l-1, July 1975: “Arctic Standoff.” Car. Richard Comely.

1-2, 1975: “The Brain Machine.” Car. Richard Comely. Col., George Freeman: 1-14.

1-3,1975: “The Canadian Connection.” Car. Richard Comely: 1-14.

The Calgary Years: Published by CKR Productions Ltd., 7003F 5th Street S.E., Calgary, Alberta.

Content serial; Cover front illus., unidentified:

Captain Canuck, 1- 4, July-Aug.1979: “Behind the Mask.” Writ., Richard Comely. Illus., George Freeman. Col., George Freeman & Jean Claude St Aubin: 1-18.

Content serial; Cover front illus., Richard Comely:

Captain Canuck, 1-5, Aug.-Sept.1979: “Planet Earth 1994.” Car., Richard Comely: 1-20.

Content serial; Cover front illus., George Freeman:

Captain Canuck …”…” ….
1-6, Oct.-Nov. 1979: “Trap of Gold: The Search.” Writ., Pen., Colo.& Let., R. Comely In. & Col., G. Freeman: 1-18.

1-7, Dec.-Jan. 1979: “Ruse.” Writ., R. Comely. Illus., G. Freeman: 1-18.

1-8, Feb.-Mar.1980: “Space Watch Death Watch: pt 1.” Writ. & Illus., G. Freeman. Writ. & Let., R. Comely. Col., G. Freeman & J.C. St. Aubin: 1-18.

1-9, Apr.-May 1980: “Space Watch Death Watch: pt 2.” Writ.& Let., R. Comely. Illus., G. Freeman. Col., J.C. St. Aubin: 1-18.

1-10, July-Aug. 1980: “Masquerade.” Writ.& Let., R. Comely. Illus., Co-col., G. Freeman. Co-col., J.C. St. Aubin: 1-18.

1-11, Sept.-Oct. 1980: “Chariots of Fire: ch. 1, Operation Extermination.” Writ., R. Comely. Pen., Co-in.& Col., G. Freeman. Co-in. & Colo., J.C. St Aubin: 1-18.

1-12, Nov.-Dec. 1980: “Chariots of Fire: ch. 2, Time Factor.” Co-writ., R. Comely. Co-writ., & Illus., G. Freeman: 1-18.

1-13, Jan.-Feb. 1981: “Chariots of Fire: ch. 3, “Exiles.” Co-writ., R. Comely. Co-writ. & Illus., G. Freeman. Let., & Col., J.C. St Aubin: 1-26.

1-14, Mar.- Apr.1981: “Fire-Fight.” Cart., G. Freeman. Let. & Colo., J.C. St Aubin:1-19.

1-15, Not published. Manuscript only.


The Calgary Years: Published by CKR Productions Ltd., 7003F 5th Street S.E., Calgary, Alberta.

Content story, strip & portraits; Cover front illus., George Freeman:

Captain Canuck, First Summer Special, July-Sept. 1980:                                                           “Faith in Those Few.” Writ., Peter Dawes. Illus., G. Freeman. Colo., J.C. St.                              Aubin. Let., R. Comely: 4-9.                                                                                       “Blackwater.” Sneak preview of comic strip. Writ., R. Comely. Illus., G. Freeman:                      15.                                                                                                                               “The Money Run.” Writ. & Let., R. Comely. Illus., G. Freeman. Colo., J.C. St.                            Aubin: 16-25.                                                                                                             A Portfolio of Captain Canuck portraits: Illus., Gene Day, Vern Andrusiek, Tom                         Grummett, & Dave Sim. 33-36.                                                                                   “Nightmares.” Writ. & Let., R. Comely. Pen., G. Freeman. In., J.C. St Aubin, Verne                    Andrusiek & G. Freeman. Colo., J.C. St. Aubin & G. Freeman: 37-63.

Content strip cartoon:

The Albertan, North Side Mirror, 20 Dec.1977: “Captain Canuck: A Christmas Story”, Writ., R. Comely. Illus., G. Freeman: 28-29.

The Albertan, South Side Mirror, 20 Dec. 1977: “Captain Canuck: A Christmas Story”, Writ., R. Comely. Illus., G. Freeman: 28-29.

The Guelph Years: Published by Semple Comics, an imprint of Comely Communications Inc., 265 Massey Rd. Guelph, Ontario, N1K 1B2.

Content serial & Cover front illus., Richard Comely:

Captain Canuck Reborn Prelude Issue, 0, Sept. 1993: No credits. Black & white mini-comic format.

Content serial & Cover front illus., Richard Comely:

Captain Canuck Reborn Prelude Issue 0, Sept. 1993. Car., R. Comely. Col., Corey Comely. Same comic, regular size. Coloured interior.

Captain Canuck Reborn.1-1, Jan. 1994. Car., R. Comely. Pen. (1-21, 28-29), Leonard Kirk. Col., R. Comely.

Captain Canuck Reborn.1-1, Jan. 1994. Contributors same as above. Collector’s Edition (with cards).


The Cambridge Years: Published by Semple Comics, 725 Coronation Blvd. Cambridge, Ontario.

Content serial & Cover front, illus., Richard Comely:

Captain Canuck Reborn., 1-2, July 1994: Car., R. Comely. Pen.,(2-19), Leonard Kirk. In. (2-19), Eric Theriault.

Captain Canuck Reborn, 1-3, 1996: Collected newspaper strips 293-304 & 311-316.” Car., R. Comely. Strips 293-304, pencilled by Sandy Carruthers..

Mark Shainblum under license: Published by Mark Shainblum and Sandy Carruthers, Canuck Post c/o 702 Queen Mary Road, #6, Montreal, Quebec, H3W 1W8.

Content story; Cover front illus., Dejan Ostojic:

The New Original Captain Canuck Ashcan Special # 1, 1998: “Captain Canuck: Utopia Moments, pt. 1.” Writ., Mark Shainblum. Illus., Sandy Carruthers. Mini-comic format. Only pt. 1 published.

A New Century – Back to Manitoba: Published by Comely Comix an imprint of Comely Productions 35 Pollock Ave. Cambridge, Ont. & Rev Studios, 31 Winter Bay, Brandon, Man.

Content serial & portrait; Cover front, Pen., Richard Comely, In., Drue Langlois:

Captain Canuck – Unholy War,1, Oct. 2004:                                                                               “Heart of Gold”, Writ., Riel Langlois. Illus., D. Langlois. Col., Greg Waller. Let.,                          Bryan Senka.                                                                                                             Portrait, Illus., George Freeman.

Content serial & portrait; Cover front, Pen., Dave Ross. In., Drue Langlois:                  Captain Canuck – Unholy War, 2, Nov.2004:                                                                               “Misguided Angel.” Writ., R. Langlois. Illus., D. Langlois. Col., Laurie E. Smith.                          Let., Blue Kang.                                                                                                         Portrait, Illus., Scott Duncan.

Content serial; Cover front, Illus., Kaare Andrews.

Captain Canuck – Unholy War, 3, Dec.2004: “If I Had a Rocket Launcher”, Writ., R. Langlois. Illus., D. Langlois. Colo., L. E. Smith. Let., B. Kang.

Still in Manitoba: Published by Hot Hail Comics, 31 Winter Bay, Brandon, Manitoba.

Content serial; Cover front, illus., Drue Langlois:

Captain Canuck – Unholy War, no. 4, Sept. 2007: “All Good Things”, Writ., R. Langlois. Illus., D. Langlois. Col., L. E. Smith (1-6), Greg Waller (7-12) & D. Langlois 13-24). Let., B. Kang.

A New Century – Cambridge: Published by Comely Comix an imprint of Comely Productions 35 Pollock Ave. Cambridge, Ont.

Content story; Cover front unidentified:

Captain Canuck: Legacy, pt.1 of 4, Sept./Oct. 2006:                                                                   “Premonition.” Writ., Pen., In., Colo. & Let., R. Comely. In. & Let., Ron Kasman.                        Col., Jordan Comely & Shane Drever.                                                                       “West Coast Captain Canuck: If I Had a Million Dollars.” Writ., R. Langlois. Illus.,                      D. Langlois. Col., L. E. Smith. Let., B. Kang.

Content story; Cover front undecipherable:

Captain Canuck: Legacy, 1of 4 Part Series, Special Artist’s Edition: Signed by R. Comely, dated August 2006 and numbered 656 of 1000. Sept./Oct. 2006,

No more parts of this series published.

The Chapter House Years – Published by Chapter House Publishing:

Under this new company “Captain Canuck” was split into 2 serials – one featuring the traditional aka “classic” Captain Canuck and the other featuring a “reinvented” Captain Canuck. The publications of this company were also characterized with multiple covers for the same issue, containing the same contents.

Content serial; Cover see below:

Captain Canuck, 0/ Free Comic Book Day Edition, May 2015: “Aleph pt. 1: Black /Gold.” Car., Kalman Andrasofszky. Col., Jim Charalampiadis. Let., Ed Brisson..

Captain Canuck, 1 May 2015: “Aleph pt. 1: Black /Gold.” Car., K. Andrasofszky. Col., Jim Charalampiadis. Let., Ed Brisson.

Captain Canuck, 2 June 2015: “Aleph pt. 2: Down.” Car., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., 14-18, Leonard Kirk. Col., Paris Alleyne & Rosemary Cheetham. Let., Ed Brisson.

Captain Canuck, 3 July 2015 “Aleph pt. 3: Magnetic North.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Leonard Kirk. Col., Paris Alleyne. Let., Ed Brisson.

Captain Canuck, 4 Sept. 2015: “Aleph pt. 4: Whiteout.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Leonard Kirk. Col., Paris Alleyne. Let., Ed Brisson.

Captain Canuck, 5 Oct. 2015: Aleph pt. 5: UXO/MNX.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Leonard Kirk & Adam Gorham (2,5,6,10,11) Col., Paris Alleyne & Irma Kniivila (2,5,6,10,11). Let., Ed Brisson.

Captain Canuck, 6 Dec. 2015: “Aleph pt. 6: Brothers & Arms.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Pen., Leonard Kirk. In., Craig Yeung. Col., Irma Kniivila. Let., Ed Brisson.

Captain Canuck, 7, Feb. 2016: “The Gauntlet pt. 1: Equilibrium For Everyone.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Leonard Kirk. Col., Irma Kniivila. Let., Ryan Ferrier.

Captain Canuck, 8, March 2016: “The Gauntlet pt. 2: Foxhunt.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Leonard Kirk. Col., Irma Kniivila. Let., Ryan Ferrier.

Captain Canuck, 9, Sept. 2016: “The Gauntlet pt. 3: Red vs. Blue.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Lay., Leonard Kirk. Fin., Neil Collyer Col., Irma Kniivila. Let., Ryan Ferrier.

Captain Canuck, 10, November 2016: “The Gauntlet pt. 4: Conduit.” Writ., Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., Leonard Kirk. Col., Juancho. Let., Andrew Thomas.

Captain Canuck, 11, December 2016: “The Gauntlet pt. 5: No Equilibrium.” Writ., K. Andrasofszky. Lay., L. Kirk. Fin., K. Andrasofszky. Col., Marco Pagnotta. Let., Andrew Thomas.

Captain Canuck, 12 (3-1) May 2017: “Agent of Pact: pt. 1: Harbinger.” Writ., K. Andrasofszky. Lay. & Fin., Leonard Kirk & Emmanuelle Chateauneuf. Col., Yinfaowai Harrison. Let., Andrew Thomas.

Captain Canuck,13 (3-2) June 2017. “Agent of Pact: ch. 1: Blood Quantum.” Writ., K. Andrasofszky. Lay. & Fin., Leonard Kirk & Emmanuelle Chateauneuf. Col., Yinfaowai Harrison. Let., Andrew Thomas.

Cover front “…”, illustrators:

Captain Canuck…: ….
0, Free Comic Book Day Edition, May 2015: Kalman Andrasofszky.

1, May 2015: “A” & “B”, Kalman Andrasofszky; “C”, Cameron Stewart; “D”, No illustrator; “E”, (Big Comics) George Freeman; “F”, (EH!1), Mike Roöth; G, (East Coast Comic Expo), unidentified; “H”, (Silver Snail.) Illus., F. & Paris. Alleyene.

2, June 2015: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, Marcus To & P. Alleyene; “C”, Cary Nord.

3, July 2015: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, Leonard Kirk & P. Alleyene; “C”, Marcus To & P. Alleyene.

4, Sept. 2015: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, Scott Hepburn & P. Alleyene; “C”, Fiona Staples.

5, Oct. 2015: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, L. Kirk & P. Alleyene; “C”, Karl Kerschl.

6, Dec. 2015: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, Michael Walsh; “C”, John Gallagher.

7, Feb. 2016: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, K. Andrasofszky & Photo., Victor Radics.

8, Mar. 2016: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, Same as above.

9, Sept. 2016: “A”, K. Andrasofszky; “B”, K. Andrasofszky & Photo., John Bregar.

10: Nov. 2016: “A” & “B”, K. Andrasofszky,

11: Dec. 2016: “A” & “B”, Kalman Andrasofszky, “C”, Andrew Thomas.

12 (3-1) May 2017: “A”, John Gallagher; “E”, Andrew Thomas.

13 (3-2) June 2017: “A”, John Gallagher.


Traditional Style Captain Canuck 2015-2016:

“All New Classic Captain Canuck” feature was backup serial in Captain Canuck from 0, May 2015 to 6, Dec. 2015.

Content serial:

Captain Canuck, 0/ Free Comic Book Day Edition, May 2015. “Captain Canuck Case File.” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson. Illus., George Freeman. This short feature joins the current serial to the serial to the first 15 issues of Captain Canuck, and re-establishes his conflict with aliens and places him in the 1980’s.

Captain Canuck …: “Arctic Assault …” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson. Illus., Marcus To. Col., Rosemary Cheetham.
1, May 2015: “… pt. 1”…. 2, June 2015: “… pt. 2”….
Captain Canuck …: “Armed & Dangerous…:” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson. Illus., Scott Hepburn. Col., Irma Kniivila.
3, July 2015: “… pt. 1: …. 4, Sept. 2015: “… pt. 2” ….
Captain Canuck …: “Double Star Crossed…:” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson ….
5 Oct. 2015: “… pt. 1”: Illus., & Col., Simon Roy. 6 Dec. 2015: “… pt. 2”: Illus., Michael Walsh. Col. Matt Wilson.

The traditional Captain Canuck moves from a backup serial to its own periodical.

Content serial & Cover front, illus., unidentified:

All-New Classic Captain Canuck. Captain Canuck, 0, Feb. 2016: A collection of the above 3 back-up serials.

Content serial & Cover front, “A”, illus., George Freeman. “B”, illus., Mike Rooth:

All-New Classic Captain Canuck, 1, March 2016: “Time Chase, pt. 1” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson. Illus., George Freeman. Col., Laurie Smith.

Content serial & Cover front, “A”, illus., George Freeman. “B”, illus., Leif Glenister:

All-New Classic Captain Canuck, 2, May 2016: “Time Chase, pt. 2” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson. Illus., George Freeman. Col., Laurie Smith.

All-New Classic Captain Canuck., 3, Oct. 2016: “Time Chase pt. 3,” Writ. & Let., Ed Brisson. Illus., George Freeman & Dave Ross. Col., Laurie Smith.

Content serial & Cover front, A, illus., George Freeman:

All-New Classic Captain Canuck., 4, Apr. 2017: “Time Chase pt. 4,” Writ., Ed Brisson. Illus., George Freeman & Dave Ross. Col., George Freeman. Let., Andrew Thomas.


The Chapter House Years – Published by Captain Canuck Inc. & Scarper Studios.

Content various & Cover front ; front  “A”, Illus., G. Freeman; “B”, Illus., Jean Claude             St. Aubin “C”, Mike Rooth:

Captain Canuck Summer Special, First Canada Edition, 2014:                                                   “Aziz & Captain Canuck in Happy Canada Day.” Writ., Paul Gardiner & Dean                            Henry. Illus., Claude St. Aubin. Col., George Freeman & Laurie Smith. Let.,                      G. Freeman.                                                                                                               “True North.” Richard Comely. Illus., & Let., G. Freeman. Col., G. Freeman &                            Laurie Smith. “Captain Canuck Character Bios. Author, unidentified.                        “Captain Canuck The Animated Series One.” Background information.


The Chapter House Years – Published by Chapter House Comics Group.

Content, various & Cover front “A”, unidentified:

Chapter House Summer Special 2016, July 2016:                                                                       “Art Of Gold.” Writ., Jason Loo & Kalman Andrasofszky. Illus., J. Loo. Col., Assist,                    Rachael Richie & Meagan Carter. A Captain Canuck/Pitiful Human Lizard                        story.                                                                                                                           “Captain Canuck In A Vacation Of Sorts.” Writ., Fadi Hakim. Illus., Eric Kim. Col.,                      Adam Martin. Let., Neil Rantala.

Content story; Cover front Illus., “A”, John Gallagher; “B” & “C”, Benjamin Tiesma &                        Donovan Yaciuk; “C”, Dale Keown.

Captain Canuck Invasion Canada Day Special, 2018. Writ., Jay Baruchel & Van Jensen. Illus., Leonard Kirk. Col., Vaneda Vireak. Let., Andrew Thomas.

Content story; Cover front Illus., Tom Grummett:

Captain Canuck Enter Crime Stopper, 1 Mac’s, Jan. 2016: Writ., R. Comely. Pen., Tom Grummett. In., G. Freeman. Col. G. Freeman & L.E. Smith. Published in association with Ontario Crime Stoppers Association of Ontario and Mac’s Milk.


Cover front:

Orion, 1-1, Summer 1981: Illus., Richard Comely.

The Walrus. Feb. 2007: Illus., Richard Comely.


Captain Canuck: Fool’s Gold. CC Inc./Smiley Guy Studios, 2014.


Article book:

“Captain Canuck.”. Guardians of the North: The National Superhero in Canadian Comic-Book Art, Writ., John Bell Ottawa, National Archives of Canada, 1992: 25 – 29. A catalogue for the exhibit of the same name.

Semple Comics. October 2, 1995 First Day Issue of the Captain Canuck Postage Stamp. Cambridge: 2 October 1995.

Article periodical:

Comics Feature, 1, March 1980: “Captain Canuck.” Writ., Hal Shuster: 53-55.

Orion, 1-1, Summer 1981:                                                                                                           “Captain Canuck: The Triumphant Return of the Canadian Hero.” Writ., Mark                             Shainblum: 8-11.                                                                                                       “The Captain Is Dead! Long Live The Captain.” Writ., Mark Shainblum. An insert                      updating that Capt. Canuck and CKR Publications both ended the day                            Orion 1-1went to press.


Richard Comely July 16, 2007 at his home in Cambridge Ontario.


The evolution of Captain Canuck.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CAPT CANUCK, Captain Canuck 1, July 1975, fc.jpgCaptain Canuck, 1, July 1975. Front cover illus., Richard Comely,

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CAPT CANUCK, Captain Canuck, 9, AprMay 1980, fc.jpgCaptain Canuck, 9, April/May 1980: Front cover illus., George Freeman.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CAPT CANUCK, Capt Canuck The Unholy War, 4, Sept 2007, fc.jpgCaptain Canuck: The Unholy War, 4, Sept. 2007 Front cover, illus., Drue Langlois.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON C\CAPT CANUCK, Captain Canuck, 1, May 2015, fc.jpgCaptain Canuck, 1, May 2015: Front cover, illus., Kalman Andrasofszky.

A picture containing text, several Description automatically generatedCaptain Canuck Invasion Canada Day Special, 2018. Front cover, Benjamin Tiesma & Donovan Yaciuk