The only evidence for this full page coloured cartoon panel portraying vignettes from the history of Canada is contained in a scrap book, I came across. Unfortunately the features were clipped so that no newspaper name appeared.
From the feature itself, we can see it was published at least from August 21, 1965 to October 22 1966. It was a Canadian Centennial project since below the main panel, was a secondary feature called “Centennial Notes” which was divided into two panels, one announcing a community event and the second telling communities to inform the author about their events. The creator was John E. Lewis, but the name is the only information to be found about him. From 21 August 1965 to 16 April 1966 The copy write was held by Info-Topix which appears to have been located in Toronto. After 16 April it was held by Ganes Productions Ltd. See GANES PRODUCTIONS LTD. Apparently the series was popular enough that high quality coloured prints of the first eight pages were offered for sale at $0.20 each or the set of eight for $1.25.