BLACK Cuyler

BLACK, Cuyler

“I’m not making fun of faith, and I don’t want people to think I  don’t take church seriously. I consider my cartoons to be playfully reverent or reverently playful….  Cuyler Black, Winnipeg Free Press, 28 May 2011.

Born 1966, in Ottawa.

At 17 years old, he created the cartoon strip “Furtree High” which debut in The Citizen in January 1984, and ran for twelve years. He syndicated another comic strip from 1996 to 1998 in about a dozen newspapers.

He attended Queen’s University in Kingston and decided to become a youth minister. His first job was at an Anglican church in London Ontario. In 2000 he moved to an Episcopal church in Richfield Connecticut.

He returned to cartooning in 2003 when he created some cartoons to raise money for a youth mission trip. This led to him cartooning full time. He began by creating a series of greeting cards after which he created “Inherit The Mirth”. This panel has appeared in the United Church’s magazine The Observer since circa 2010. He was cartoonist of “Prophet of Zoom” for Zoomer magazine from about 2011 to October 2013.


Article book:

Portfoolio, The Year 86 In Canadian Caricature. Ed., Guy Badeaux. Writ., Charles Gordon. Ludcom Inc. 1986 188.

 Article newspaper:

Winnipeg Free Press, 27 May 2011: “Cartoonist explores funny side of Christianity.” Writ., John Longhurst.